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Welcome to the Delivery App! 🏃

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This is a fullstack app of a beer delivery service. A user logged in as a buyer can browse through beer options, add them to the cart and finish the order, which will then be added to their orders list. Another user, with the role of a seller, can check orders they have received and update its status. An admin can check all registered users and register new ones.


This was a group project developed while studying Back-end web development @betrybe. This was the final project for the Back-end certificate. The group got an approval of 100% on this project's mandatory requirements, and 97.7% on the overall requirements.

This was our first time building a fullstack app from the beginning. By using agile methodologies, like SCRUM and kanban, and doing code review, we were able to plan the app and constantly re-evaluate our work and what we were doing. Together, we prototyped the app with Figma and styled it using Styled Components.

All the files we worked on are in the /src folders in the back-end and front-end directories.

The team: @albertassihatus, @Camila-Falaschi, @ellenmelody, and @rogelins

My main contributions to the project

  • credentialsValidations and errorHandler middlewares in the back-end
  • Login route in the back-end
  • useLocalStorage custom hook
  • OrderCard component in the front-end
  • Back-end and front-end for the admin page and products page
  • Toast notifications
  • Add loading spinners in the front-end
  • CSS for the Header component and Products and Order Details pages
  • All tests, except the ones for the login and register routes/components (90% coverage on the back-end, 60% on the front-end)

Main languages and tools used


  • React
  • React Router
  • React Hooks
  • Context API
  • Axios
  • React Testing Library and Jest
  • Styled Components


  • Node
  • Express
  • JWT
  • MySQL
  • Sequelize
  • Mocha/Chai/Sinon

Installation and usage

Important: the app was developed for mobiles, primarily for resolutions around 360x800, so we recommend running it the same way

  • Clone the repository
  • Install the dependencies with npm install on the root, front-end and back-end folders (requires node on version 16)
  • Configure the .env files
  • Running the app:
    • Front-end: npm start
    • Back-end: npm start or npm run dev for live reload, npm run db:reset to reset the database
    • Root folder: npm start or npm run dev for live reload. Runs the entire app.
  • Stop any running instance with npm stop on the root folder
  • Run the tests we made with npm test or npm test <test name>, either on the back-end or front-end folders
  • Check test coverage with npm run test:coverage on the back-end or front-end folders
  • Run the project's requirements tests with npm test or npm run test <test-name> on the root folder (might not show 100% approval as we made changes after finishing it)

To use the app, register a new buyer account. The admin user is, password --adm2@21!!--. To login as a seller, use, password fulana@123, or create a new one as an admin.