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Terraform GitHub Action

This GitHub Action enables the running of various Terraform commands within GitHub workflows. It supports operations such as initialization, workspace selection, format checking, validation, planning, applying, and destroying infrastructure as code which is defined using Terraform.

This workflow is based on the Typescript Action.



Create a workflow .yml file in your repositories .github/workflows directory. An example workflow is available below.


Input Description Required Default
working-directory The directory containing the Terraform configuration files No .
command The Terraform command to run, which can be either plan, apply, or destroy. Yes
workspace The Terraform workspace to use No default
check-format Whether to check the format of the Terraform configuration files No false
validate-module Whether to validate the Terraform configuration files No true


Output Description
to-add The number of resources that will be added
to-change The number of resources that will be changed
to-destroy The number of resources that will be destroyed
to-import The number of resources that will be imported

The action will also output outputs from Terraform. For example, if you have an output in your Terraform configuration called hostname, it will have an output terraform-hostname and you can access it in the workflow using ${{ steps.terraform.outputs.hostname }}. Complex outputs will be converted to JSON.


The following examples assume you have a Terraform configuration in the root of your repository, and that you have configured the AWS provider. For example, you could have a file with the following contents

// Other configuration omitted for brevity

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = "ami-1234567890"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

output "hostname" {
  value = aws_instance.example.public_dns

Terraform Plan and Apply

Whenever a pull request is opened, synchronized, or reopened, this workflow will run a Terraform plan and apply. It will also check the format of the Terraform configuration files, and validate the configuration files. The Terraform configuration files will be loaded from the ci workspace, and the AWS credentials will be loaded from GitHub secrets.

This essentially creates an ephemeral environment for each pull request, which is destroyed when the pull request is closed (see destroy workflow below).

In this workflow, the terraform module will output a string hostname, which can then later be used in the workflow for other purposes, like Ansible provisioning.

name: Terraform Plan and Apply

      types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
        - main

        name: Terraform Plan and Apply
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - name: Terraform Plan and Apply
          id: terraform
          uses: phaka/terraform-action@v1-beta
            command: apply
            workspace: ci-${{ github.repository_owner_id }}-${{ github.repository_id }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
            check-format: true
            validate-module: true
            TF_VAR_region: us-east-1
            TF_VAR_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
            TF_VAR_secret_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
        - name: Terraform Outputs
          run: |
            echo "The following resources will be added: ${{ }}"
            echo "The following resources will be changed: ${{ }}"
            echo "The following resources will be destroyed: ${{ }}"
            echo "The following resources will be imported: ${{ }}"
            # echo the hostname which is an output from the Terraform configuration
            echo "The hostname is: ${{ steps.terraform.outputs.terraform-hostname }}"

Terraform Destroy

Whenever a pull request is closed, this workflow will run a Terraform destroy. It will skip the format check and validation, and will load the Terraform configuration files from the ci workspace. The AWS credentials will be loaded from GitHub secrets.

name: Terraform Destroy

    types: [closed]
      - main

        name: Terraform Destroy
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - name: Terraform Destroy
          uses: phaka/terraform-action@v1-beta
            command: destroy
            workspace: ci-${{ github.repository_owner_id }}-${{ github.repository_id }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
            check-format: false
            validate-module: false
            TF_VAR_region: us-east-1
            TF_VAR_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
            TF_VAR_secret_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}