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3D Product Customization

Welcome to the 3D Product Customization App! This app allows users to interact with 3D models, change logo textures, modify t-shirt colors, and even generate logos using AI. It's built using React, Tailwind CSS, and Three.js to create an immersive and stylish experience.

Table of Contents


  • 3D Model Interaction: Users can rotate, zoom, and pan around the 3D model to view it from different angles.
  • Logo Texture Change: Change the texture of the logo on the product using a selection of preloaded textures or by uploading your own.
  • T-Shirt Color Modification: Modify the color of the t-shirt using a color picker to find the perfect match.
  • AI Logo Generation: Utilize AI to generate logos based on user-provided inputs.
  • Responsive Design: The app is designed to work seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory.
cd 3d-product-customization-app
  1. Install the dependencies using your package manager of choice.
npm install
# or
yarn install


  1. Start the development server.
npm start
# or
yarn start
  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the app.

AI Logo Generation

The AI logo generation feature allows you to create unique logos using machine learning. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "AI Logo Generation" section of the app.
  2. Input your preferred logo text and select a style (e.g., modern, vintage, minimalistic).
  3. Click the "Generate Logo" button.
  4. The AI will process your input and generate a logo based on your preferences.

Technologies Used

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
  • Three.js: A JavaScript library for 3D graphics and visualization in the browser.
  • AI Logo Generation Library: The library responsible for generating logos using AI.


We welcome contributions from the community! If you find a bug or have an enhancement in mind, please submit an issue or a pull request to this repository.

Feel free to customize this readme to match your project's specifics and design. Add relevant images, badges, and any additional information that could help users and contributors understand and use your 3D Product Customization App effectively.