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Titles to IMDB IDs

Convert movie or show titles/names to IMDB IDs.

This program takes in a text file (.txt) containing movie and show titles (one per line), queries IMDB search to get their IMDB IDs, and saves results to a CSV file (.csv).


I needed to transfer two of my personal lists (watched movies and movies I'd like to watch) saved in text files to Trakt. I found tools which does exactly that but it requires IMDB IDs instead of movie names. Fortunately, there is an existing package created by ebouther that converts a movie or show title to its respective IMDB ID. I simply utilize his tool to convert a text file full of movie and show titles to IMDB IDs.


  1. Get a Terminal: cmd (Windows), Terminal (macOS), or Console (Linux)
  2. Install Node.js, either LTS or Current.
  3. Clone or download this repository
    git clone
  4. Go to root directory
    cd Titles-To-IMDB-IDs
  5. Install npm packages via a terminal
    npm install


Run node main.js <Text File>.

Replace <Text File> with the text file containing the movie or show titles to convert.

main.js contains additional configurable options:

  • DELAY: Delay in milliseconds between IMDB search queries. Default: 1000. Be careful to not set this too low.
  • OUTPUT_FILE: The name of the output CSV file containing the titles, IMDB IDs, and IMDB URLs. Default: imdb_ids.
  • ERROR_FILE: The name of the error CSV file containing the titles which failed to be converted as well as the error message and the attempted IMDB search query URL. Default: errors.

Upon run, a OUTPUT_FILE CSV containing the respective IMDB IDs will be generated. If some titles failed to convert, a ERROR_FILE CSV will be created as well.


An example text file, example.txt, is provided for demonstration. Running

npm run example


node main.js example.txt

will generate imdb_ids.csv and errors.csv.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).