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Hello! This template is a MERN template for people who want to self host. This was created for the sole reason that when working on MERN projects I always ended up repeating the same boilerplate steps.

This template comes with the following features:



This project is broken up into 3 sub folders, all corresponding to their respective part of the MERN.

  • React files are located in react-app/
  • Express files are located in express-api/
  • MongoDB files are locally mounted in mongo-db/ (you should never have to touch this folder)

Local Development

For local development you're going to have to install MongoDB and NGINX yourself and have them set up as their own services. I have included a sample nginx.conf that is made for this project. Any changes you do to the react-app/nginx.conf file make sure you mirror in the service nginx.conf so local development does not break.

To Locally Develop the Application

  1. Make sure both NGINX and MongoDB are running

  2. Navigate to react-app/ and run

npm start
  1. Navigate to express-api/ and run
npm start

Local development instances of the application will have the NODE_ENV environment variable set to development.

For example, if I needed to do something with cookies I would want the name to begin with __Host, but I can not do that with local development due to the lack of https. To get around that I would do something like

const cookieName = `${process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? '__Host-' : ''}JWT`


  1. Edit the server_name in both react-app/nginx.conf server blocks by replacing localhost with your domain
server {
  listen      80;
  listen      [::]:80;
  server_name *;

server {
  listen      443 ssl;
  listen      [::]:443 ssl;
  server_name *;
  1. Edit ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key in react-app/nginx.conf by replacing localhost with your domain. Because of how nginx does their pathing, the easiest way is to do the non-www version. Don't fret, the certificates will be signed for both www and non-www versions
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  1. Edit with your domain and email address. Make sure the first domain in your list is the non-www version
  1. For nginx to start the first time it needs to perform the Let's Encrypt validation but nginx won't start if the certificates are missing. To get around this run
chmod +x ./

sudo ./

OPTIONAL Automatic Redeploy

  1. Install webhook

  2. Create a Github Webhook for your repository with a Payload URL of http://yourdomain:9000/hooks/redeploy-webhook and a secret

  3. Edit the trigger-rule block in hooks.json with your Github Webhook secret

"trigger-rule": {
  "and": [
      "match": {
        "type": "payload-hash-sha1",
        "secret": "mysecret", // Github Webhook secret
        "parameter": {
          "source": "header",
          "name": "X-Hub-Signature"
  1. Run
chmod +x ./

webhook -hooks hooks.json -verbose

OPTIONAL Automatic Weekend Dependency Updates

  1. Configure Renovate for your repository

  2. Configure Renovate-Approve for your repository


docker-compose up -d

This should now be hosed at https://yourdomain via nginx.