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@akarnokd akarnokd released this 03 Nov 09:14
· 77 commits to 1.x since this release


Note that the interface Cancellable has been moved to rx.functions affecting CompletableEmitter and the experimental Observable.fromEmitter(Action1<AsyncEmitter<T>> emitter, AsyncEmitter.BackpressureMode backpressure) has been removed.

Another important clarification was added to the javadoc about using SingleSubscriber: due to the internal enhancements of Single, a SingleSubscriber is no longer wrapped into a Subscriber+SafeSubscriber which setup used to call unsubscribe on the SingleSubscriber yielding isUnsubscribed() == true when the source terminated. Therefore, when one extends the class SingleSubscriber, the unsubscribe() should be called manually to yield the given expecation mentioned before:

Subscritpion s = Single.just(1).subscribe(new SingleSubscriber<Integer>() {
    @Override public void onSuccess(Integer t) {

    @Override public void onError(Throwable e) {


Documentation enhancements

  • Pull 4693: improve timer javadoc
  • Pull 4769: Add note to SingleSubscriber doc about unsubscribe invocation in onSuccess and onError.

API enhancements

Performance enhancements

  • Pull 4676: Make identity function a singleton.
  • Pull 4764: zip - check local boolean before volatile in boolean and


  • Pull 4716: fixsubscribe(Action1 [, Action1]) to report isUnsubscribed true after the callbacks were invoked
  • Pull 4740: Error when tracking exception with unknown cause
  • Pull 4791: Add null check to Observable.switchIfEmpty