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useDropdown is a hook that helps you to build a custom select element. It also takes away the pain of positioning of a dropdown element and repositioning it on scroll.


import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {useDropdown} from './useDropdown';

const Select = ({value, onChange, items}) => {
  const [input, setInput] = useState('');
  const handleSelect = (value) => {

  const {
  } = useDropdown({
    onSelect: handleSelect,

  return (
    <div className='wrapper' {...getWrapperProps()}>
        onChange={(ev) => setInput(}
        isOpen && createPortal(
          <ul className='menu' {...getMenuProps()}>
    , index) => (
                  className={highlightedIndex === index ? 'item active' : 'item'}
                  {...getItemProps(item, index)}
          </ul>, document.body


useDropdown accepts following arguments:

  • items - Array<T> required
    Menu elements of your dropdown. It is expected that they will be the same type you passed to useDropdown generic

  • onSelect - (item: T) => void required
    Function which is called each time you click on element or select it with Enter key

  • reducer - (state: DropdownState, action: ReducerAction) => DropdownState
    Using this function you can change how useDropdown reacts to certain events; For example, you can prevent dropdown from closing after user selects an option

  • onClickOutside - () => void
    Callback which is called when user clicks outside menu or wrapper

  • ResizeObserver
    Use it to pass your polyfill for ResizeObserver. By default uses window.ResizeObserver

State and methods

useDropdown returns it's state and provides methods that you should use to build your dropdown:

  • isOpen - boolean
    Current state of dropdown. Use it to decide whether you should show menu or not

  • highlightedIndex - number
    Shows the index of an element that is currently highlighted by cursor or with arrow keys. Use it to apply styles.

  • inputValue - string
    Current value of input.

  • getWrapperProps - (): WrapperProps - required
    Apply these props to block that represents your dropdown element. This block will be used to calculate the width of dropdown along with it's position on the screen.

  • getInputProps - (): InputProps - optional
    You can use it on your input. This method will help useDropdown to track input's value and it also allows menu to be opened each time input recieves focus.

  • getMenuProps - (): MenuProps - required
    Returns props for block element that wraps your menu items. It is necessary for correct positioning of you dropdown.

  • getItemProps - (item: T, index: number) => ItemProps - required
    Method for getting props for every item in your items list. Pass item and it's index to this method.