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Template of a project for test automation. Start automated tests development for a web project and significantly reduce time spent on project setup. Usage of JavaScript-based technologies provides a high level of flexibility and cost effectiveness

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Description of the project:

This is a template of an autotest project. This project helps to quickly start autotest development for a Web project. It is based on open source technologies and has flexibility of settings.

List of technologies:

  • TypeScript
  • NodeJS
  • Selenium
  • CucumberJS
  • Gulp

Image of Yaktocat

This project contains basic project structure with the ability to:

  • debug tests,
  • perform a simple run,
  • perform a parallel run,
  • write tests in accordance with the pageObject pattern.

How To Use


  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Install Node.js (Current version) and restart the PC after installation.
  3. Clone current repository
  4. Install Java
  5. Install Google Chrome
  6. Install Extension for VS Code(Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.):
    ext install cucumber 
    ext install tslint 
    ext install vscode-codemetrics
    ext install cucumber-mapper

Install dependencies

  1. Install npm packages
    npm install
    npm install -g gulp-cli --save
    npm install webdriver-manager -g
  1. Update Webdriver-Manager
    webdriver-manager update

List of basic files in the project:

  • world.ts – a file for creating unique global context for the scenario.
  • scenarioHooks.ts - defined some global hooks.
  • store.ts - class for storing temporary data for the scenario.
  • basePage.ts - BasePage description .
  • core.ts - main space for exporting the necessary data types.
  • settings.ts - settings for the browser.
  • gulpfile.js - task runner.

Get Started(Order of test creation)

You can investigate the integrated test ”googleSearch.feature” or write your own test.

Just see the instructions below.

  • Assumption: We have a portal. The Portal is available on the url: and we want to write a test for logging into the portal.
  1. Create a new file in /features/ folder. For example: login.feature
# features/login.feature
Feature: Login feature
 As a user of Portal
 I want login on portal

Scenario: Login on portal
   Given I am on the Login Page
   When I login as '' with pass 'MyPassword!'
   Then I should see Dashboard Page
  1. Create the file with step definitions. For example: login.ts
// ../src/step_definitions/login.ts
import {IWorld} from '../support/world';
import {StepDefinitions, expect} from '../core/core';

function definitions(this: StepDefinitions): void {

    this.Given(/^I am on the Login Page$/, async function (this: IWorld): Promise<void> {
        throw 'not implemented';

    this.When(/^I login as '(.*)' with pass '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, userName: string, userPass: string): Promise<void> {
        throw 'not implemented';

    this.Then(/^I should see page '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, pageHeader: string): Promise<void> {
        throw 'not implemented';

module.exports = definitions;
  1. Create a PortalBasePage class which contains a base description of the pages we want to test. Inherit it from BasePage from '../core/core'. Let's also implement the IWait interface. The IWait interface contains one method: waitPortal. For Example: if the portal has a loading indicator, you can implement the method for waiting. Also, let's add a method to check the header on the page.
// ../src/page/portalBasePage.ts
import {WaitHelper, WebElementEx, BasePage, By} from '../core/core';

export class PortalBasePage extends BasePage {
    private loadingIndicator: By = By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'blocking-overlay')]")

    public async headerIsExists(pageHeader: string): Promise<boolean> {
        await this.waitPortal();
        let xPathForHeader = `//h1[contains(text(), '${pageHeader}')]`;
        let elem = await this.driver.findElements(By.xpath(xPathForHeader));
        return !elem.length;

    public async waitPortal(timeout?: number, interval?: number): Promise<void> {
        let doesLoadingExist =  async (): Promise<boolean> => {
            let elem = await this.driver.findElements(this.loadingIndicator);
            return !elem.length;
        let waitngForSpinner = await WaitHelper.waitUntil(doesLoadingExist, timeout || this.longTimeout, interval);

        if (!waitngForSpinner) {
            throw new Error('Loading indicator failed');
  1. Create pageObjects which describe pages or parts of a page. They should inherit PortalBasePage. Let's create pageObject LoginPage.ts, which contains one method for login.
// ../src/page/pages/loginPage.ts
import {By, Browser, WebElementEx} from '../../core/core';
import {PortalBasePage} from '../portalBasePage';

export class LoginPage extends PortalBasePage {

    public loginInputBox: By = By.xpath("//*[@id='Username']");
    public passwordInputBox: By = By.xpath("//*[@id='Password']");
    public loginBtn: By = By.xpath("//*[text()='Continue']");

    public async login(login: string, pass: string): Promise<void> {
        await super.waitPortal();
        let loginInput = await this.driver.findElement(this.loginInputBox);
        await loginInput.sendKeys(login);
        let passwordInput = await this.driver.findElement(this.passwordInputBox);
        await passwordInput.sendKeys(pass);
        let loginButton = await this.driver.findElement(this.loginBtn);
  1. Add new LoginPage and PortalBasePage in pageCollection.ts(as property).
// ../src/page/pageCollection.ts
    public get LoginPage(): LoginPage { return new LoginPage(this.dr); }
    public get PortalBasePage(): PortalBasePage { return new PortalBasePage(this.dr); }
  1. Implement step definitions related to login action.
// ../src/step_definitions/login.ts
import {IWorld} from '../support/world';
import {StepDefinitions, expect} from '../core/core';

function definitions(this: StepDefinitions): void {

    this.Given(/^I am on the Login Page$/, async function (this: IWorld): Promise<void> {
        await this.dr.get('');

    this.When(/^I login as '(.*)' with pass '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, userName: string, userPass: string): Promise<void> {
        await, userPass);

    this.Then(/^I should see page '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, pageHeader: string): Promise<void> {
        let res = await;
        expect(res).equal(true, `Log In don't passed`);

Note: In step definitions we pass this: IWorld as a first parameter. See \src\support\world.ts to get more information.

  1. Run test in VS Code

7.1 Start Webdriver-Manager before run tests:

    webdriver-manager start

Or run

7.2 Start tests

Or you can use Debug Panel for running the test and generating the report

  • Run @test - run test marked as @test
  • Generate Report


Template of a project for test automation. Start automated tests development for a web project and significantly reduce time spent on project setup. Usage of JavaScript-based technologies provides a high level of flexibility and cost effectiveness







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