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πŸš€ Performance Decorators: A TypeScript library that simplifies performance tracking and optimization.


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πŸš€ Performance Decorators

Elevate your application's performance monitoring and optimization in Node.js and browsers with Performance Decorators, a TypeScript-based toolkit. Our decorators simplify the task of tracking performance bottlenecks and optimizing performance efficiently.

🌟 Features

Debugging Decorators

  • LogExecutionTime: Method Decorator - Logs method execution times, helping pinpoint performance bottlenecks.
  • WarnPerformanceThreshold: Method Decorator - Alerts when methods surpass predefined execution time thresholds.
  • LogMemoryUsage: Method Decorator - Tracks and logs memory usage, aiding in efficient resource management.
  • LogMethodError: Method Decorator - Handles and logs method errors, with an option to rethrow them.
  • MemoryLeakWarning: Class Decorator - Monitors and warns of potential memory leaks, supporting both Node.js and browsers. Options include setting check intervals, memory usage thresholds, custom logging, and manual garbage collection in Node.js.

Optimization Decorators

  • BatchOperations: Method Decorator - Batches multiple calls into a single asynchronous operation, ideal for reducing redundant operations in frequent calls.
  • Debounce: Method Decorator - Limits the rate at which a function can fire, perfect for handling events like resizing, scrolling, or keypresses.
  • Memoize: Method Decorator - Caches the results of expensive function calls, optimizing performance by avoiding repeated calculations.
  • Throttle: Method Decorator - Ensures a function is not called more than once in a specified period, useful for rate-limiting execution of handlers on frequent events.
  • AutoRetry: Method Decorator - Automatically retries a failed asynchronous operation until it succeeds or reaches a maximum number of retries.
  • LazyLoad: Property Decorator - Delays the initialization of properties until they are first accessed, optimizing resource use and computation time.

πŸ“¦ Installation

Easily integrate into your project:

npm install performance-decorators

πŸ› οΈ Usage Examples

Debugging Decorators Usage

Log Execution Time

import { LogExecutionTime } from "performance-decorators/debugging";

class PerformanceExample {
  quickMethod() {
    // Simulated task

  @LogExecutionTime((time, method) => console.log(`${method} took ${time} ms`))
  detailedMethod() {
    // More complex task

Warn Performance Threshold

import { WarnPerformanceThreshold } from "performance-decorators/debugging";

class PerformanceExample {
  methodWithDefaultThreshold() {
    // Task to be monitored

  @WarnPerformanceThreshold(200, (time, method) =>
    console.warn(`${method} exceeded ${time} ms`)
  methodWithCustomThreshold() {
    // Another monitored task

Log Memory Usage

import { LogMemoryUsage } from "performance-decorators/debugging";

class PerformanceExample {
  standardMemoryMethod() {
    // Memory consuming task

  @LogMemoryUsage((usedMemory, method) =>
    console.log(`${method} used ${usedMemory} bytes`)
  detailedMemoryMethod() {
    // Task with detailed memory monitoring

Log Method Error

import { LogMethodError } from "performance-decorators/debugging";

class PerformanceExample {
  methodWithError() {
    throw new Error("Example error");

  @LogMethodError(true, (error, method) =>
    console.error(`${method} error: ${error.message}`)
  methodWithCustomErrorHandling() {
    throw new Error("Custom error");

Memory Leak Warning

import { MemoryLeakWarning } from "performance-decorators/debugging";

@MemoryLeakWarning(30000, 20, console.warn, false)
class MyMonitoredClass {
  // Your class implementation

// Create an instance
const instance = new MyMonitoredClass();

Optimization Decorators Usage

Batch Operations

import { BatchOperations } from "performance-decorators/optimization";

class Renderer {
  render(changes: any[][]) {
    for (const changeBatch of changes) {
      console.log("Applying batch changes:", changeBatch);

const renderer = new Renderer();
renderer.render([{ item: 1 }]);
renderer.render([{ item: 2 }]);


import { Debounce } from "performance-decorators/optimization";

class SearchComponent {
  async onSearch(term: string) {
    console.log(`Searching for: ${term}`);
    // Simulate an API call
    return fetch(`/api/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(term)}`).then((res) =>

const searchComponent = new SearchComponent();


import { Memoize } from "performance-decorators/optimization";

class Calculator {
  fibonacci(n: number): number {
    if (n <= 1) return n;
    return this.fibonacci(n - 1) + this.fibonacci(n - 2);

const calculator = new Calculator();
console.log(calculator.fibonacci(10)); // Computed
console.log(calculator.fibonacci(10)); // Cached result


import { Throttle } from "performance-decorators/optimization";

class ScrollHandler {
  onScroll(event: Event) {
    console.log("Scrolling", event);

const handler = new ScrollHandler();
window.addEventListener("scroll", handler.onScroll);


import { AutoRetry } from "performance-decorators/optimization";

class DataService {
  @AutoRetry(3, 1000) // Retry up to 3 times with a 1-second delay
  async fetchData(url: string) {
    console.log(`Fetching data from ${url}`);
    const response = await fetch(url);
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error("Network response was not ok.");
    return response.json();

const service = new DataService();
  .then((data) => console.log("Data fetched successfully:", data))
  .catch((error) => console.error("Failed to fetch data:", error));


import { LazyLoad } from "performance-decorators/optimization";

class ExpensiveComputation {
  get expensiveData() {
    console.log("Computing expensive data");
    return Array.from({ length: 1000000 }, (_, i) => Math.sqrt(i));

const computation = new ExpensiveComputation();
console.log("ExpensiveComputation instance created");

// The first access triggers the computation
console.log(computation.expensiveData[1000]); // Initializes and accesses the data
console.log(computation.expensiveData[2000]); // Accesses cached data

πŸ“˜ API Documentation

Refer to the TypeScript JSDoc comments in the source code for detailed API information. Each decorator is well-documented, providing insights into its usage and configuration.

🚧 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please refer to the project's style and contribution guidelines for submitting patches and additions. Ensure to follow best practices and add tests for new features.

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.