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Smart Card Authentication Server (Qt/C++)


The SCD Smart Card Authentication Server allow you to read ATR code from your Smart Card and use it for login to remote web server or to acces to your own application. You can Ask to Server to read ATR Code from smart Card and manage the authentication, to check the matching of current ATR code with the authenticated code, or to check if the smart card is inserted into you card reader.

The authentication server can be work in two modality:

  • standalone
  • embedded on your application

Can be used with a web browser if , on login, an additional level of security is required, or as security key for your own application. Also, this server can be used embedding it on your own application.

How it works

When started, the server open the port 10552, and wait for web socket connection. Web socket client can connects to the server by the connection string: "ws://localhost:10522".

This version of server supports only the unsecure connection.

The server accepts commands for:

  • smart card ATR code reading
  • management of authentication,
  • login consistency check
  • card detection

Also, the sever reply with an error string in case of the smart card is not detected (is not inserted into reeader), or no readers is detected.

Server Commands:

  • Logincode:

    Require the ATR code: the server reply sending the ATR code readed from smart card. After sending this command, the validation controls will fails: you will need to log in again, authenticate and validate. See next command. This command anyway invalidate current session, and the message 'SessionExpired' will be anyway sent to client, also on error.

  • AtrCode

    Require the ATR code. This command do not invalidate current session.

    Return reply:

    • error string : the smart card is not detected (is not inserted into reeader), or no readers is detected.

    • Atr:value : value is the value of ATR code

  • Authcode:ATR

    Send to server the ATR code you have using for login, if match the
    ATR code of smart card currently inserted into reader, the login authentication code is validated: the server store this code for next validation checking.

    Return reply:

    • error string : the smart card is not detected (is not inserted into reeader), or no readers is detected.

    • Authenticated : validation success

    • NotAuthenticated : the smart card ATR code do not match the ATR code validated

    • AlreadyLogged : not to need to autheticate: already logged in

  • Checkcode:

    Detect smart card (if is it inserted into reader) and perform the validation check

    Return reply:

    • error string : the smart card is not detected (is not inserted into reeader), or no readers is detected.

    • Validated : authentication valid

    • Notvalidated : the smart card ATR code do not match the ATR code validated, you should to logout.

    • NotAuthenticated : currently not authenticated: you should to log in.

    • SessionExpired : you should to logout.

    The validation check should be performad only after the authentication and validation ofATRcode. It makes no sense to check the validations if you are not logged in. If not validated or authenticated is safely and strictly recomended to logout from your application andif need, again log in. If thea are an error you con wait until SessionExpired is issued.

  • Servertype:

    Return reply:

    • Integrated
    • Standalone
  • PollTimeout:timeout

    Set the server polling timeout, timeout is a numeric string value expressed in seconds. If Server receive the command LoginCode or CheckCode, it starts a polling for the smartcard check. Every timeout seconds the server check the smartcard. If the status of reader or the smartcard is differet from last checking, the server issues a new message to client. To stop the server polling set timeout to 0. If timeout is set to zero, the server reply one time if riceve the command LoginCode or CheckCode. The other commands, in general, do not stop the polling: the server reply to immediate command, e return to previous polling status.

    Return reply:

    • Timeout:seconds

Diagram Flow

How to test the server

Download the project typing on your linux terminal

$ git clone

Before compile the server project, you must install on your linux system the PC/SC library.

$ sudo apt-get install libpcsclite1, libpcsclite1-dev

Run Qt Creator, load the project file build and run the server.

To test the Smart Card Autentication Server you can load the atr.html page on your browser. Connect your smartcard reader to the USB connector of your PC/Laptop and insert the smartcard into the reader. Now you can test the server by clicking the buttons on atr.html web page. You can change the server port value editing the config.cfg file created automatically when the serve starts first time.

~/scd_smcauthserver/bin$ sudo nano config.cfg

Save the config.cfg file and the restart the server.

How to use the server for authentication and validation checking

The typical use is authentication on a remote server such as, for example, a WEB portal. First you need to read the ATR code to associate with your user. You can get the ATR code by using the atr.html page how explained above Now you can associate the ATR code with the username and password of your user in the authentication table of the users of your database server

 username : admin
 password : admin
 atr      : 3aff1800009131ff56006b05041017012101324e531031915f

The explanation of authentication on remote server by web page is beyond the scope of this document.

Now you are ready to use the SCD Smart Card Authentication Server full services.

The typical authentication session is shown on the diagram below.

The login web page should contain the ATR hidden field. This field will be automatic filled with the ATR code readed from smartcard.

  1. The login web page ask to the server the ATR code by sending the command "Logincode:", and set the ATR hidden field with the readed ATR code.

  2. When the user submits the login, the ATR code is sent to web server togheter username and passwor for the authentication.

  3. If the authentication succeeded (the ATR code match username and password) the command Authcode: will be sent to the smart card server to validate the ATR code. if your ATR code is 3aff1800009131ff56006b05041017012101324e531031915f the command sent to the server will be "Authcode:3aff1800009131ff56006b05041017012101324e531031915f". If the validation fails you should to return to login page.

  4. At timed intervals, or when needed, you may be check validation by sending to the server the command "Checkcode:" If validation fails, or if session expired you should login again.

Diagram of typical authentication session