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Build Status GADM:v3.6 CGIAR:BigDataPlatform CGIAR:GARDIAN maintainer:SCiO


This project provides a dockerized version of an Elasticsearch instance that contains a pre-defined index that includes documents with spatial polygons of administrative areas for countries accross the world. GADM, a project that provides maps and spatial data for all countries and their sub-divisions, is the source & provider of the geospatial information. The use of Elasticsearch enables easier access to the provided geospatial information and also allows the building of complex spatial queries.

The index is also available for simple queries through GARDIAN's API

The IndexGADM has been created in the context of CGIAR's Big Data Platform and is part of the GARDIAN ecosystem.


To install IndexGADM follow the next steps:

  1. Clone the SCiO github repository.
  2. Navigate inside the cloned repository.
  3. Execute the following command for default settings (INDEX=gadm_polygons, SHARDS=1, REPLICAS=0)
 docker-compose -f {docker-compose.yml path} up
  1. Execute the following command for custom settings
  INDEX=my_index_name SHARDS=1 REPLICAS=1 docker-compose -f {docker-compose.yml path} up

The source code can be found in Github.

version: '2.2'
      image: scioquiver/elasticsearch:gadm_polygons
      container_name: elastic
         - 9200:9200

List of Docker Images

Component Location
Elasticsearch scioquiver/elasticsearch:gadm_polygons