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Sixes Wild


Team Mimas

  • Marco Duran
  • Cameron Jones
  • Yahel Nachum
  • Aditya Nivarthi
  • Joey Perez


This is a course project for a software engineering course (CS 3733) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

This project consists of a playable game called Sixes Wild Game, and an accompanying Sixes Wild Level Builder. The Sixes Wild Game is a tile selection based game. The goal in each level is to create selections of tiles that add to a sum of six (6). Tiles have number values that represent how much they contribute towards a sum of six during a move, as well as a multiplier to increase the move's score.

The level builder is used to create playable levels with tiles that can be added into the game.

The Game

  • There are four level types:
    • Puzzle: The goal in this level type to score as many points in the number of moves given for that level.
    • Lightning: The goal is to score as many points in the allotted time for the level.
    • Release: There are six tiles, denoted with a '6 T'. These tiles must land in the target tiles, denoted by 'X'. To complete the level, all the target tiles must be filled by a six tile before the number of moves has depleted.
    • Elimination: To complete the level, every square position on the board must be marked, or used in a move, before the number of moves is depleted.
  • There are four special moves, in addition to selecting tiles normally:
    • Reset Board: This move shuffles the tiles on the board.
    • Swap Tile: This move allows 2 tiles to be selected which will be swapped.
    • Remove Tile: This move allows a tile to be selected which will be removed.
    • XStacy Move: This move adds 20 seconds in time or 10 moves to the current level.
  • To unlock the next level, the game must be completed, in its own specified way. In addition, the score achieved must meet or beat the one star threshold for that level.
  • Badges are achievements that can be attained through playing various levels. Some are dependent on reaching a specific score value, some are for achieving a certain star count, and there is a badge for unlocking all the story levels.

The Game Application

  • The game consists of multiple menus.
    • The Story Levels are prebuilt levels that are to be played in succession to unlock the next level.
      • Each level can be selected to view a preview, and if unlocked, is highlighted and can be played.
      • When selected, each preview for a level will show to highest achieved star count for that level.
    • The User Levels are levels that are created in the Level Builder and are also played in succession to unlock the next level.
    • The Badges menu handles previewing all the achieved badged. Badges that are unlocked display their preview in the right panel.
    • The Options menu is where users can log in to create and load profiles, change the visual aesthetics, and read the rules.
    • The Credits menu is where the contributors to the project are listed.
    • The Level View is the display that appears when a level is being played.
      • The left side has the current progress in points and star count achieved.
      • The number of moves remaining, or the amount of time left in Lightning levels, is displayed below the points and stars achieved.
      • The top menu displays the special move buttons and their respective counts for the move remaining of each type.

The Level Builder

  • The level builder is used to create user levels that can be played in the game application. The builder allows all settings in a level to be modified to the user's preference.
    • The left panel allows adjustment of all level attributes, including:
      • Name
      • Move or timer amount
      • Tile frequency percentages (as a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0) for each tile
      • Multiplier frequency percentages (as a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0) for the 2x and 3x multipliers (the 1x is calculated from the other 2)
      • Point thresholds for 1, 2 and 3 star levels
    • For the tile type, selecting the type allows placing of that type of tile on the board. The preview is generated live as tiles are placed.
    • To update the frequencies, pressing 'ENTER' in any frequency field will update the board accordingly.
    • The top menu has options to create a new level, save the current level, open an existing user level to edit, or delete a user level. The level listings are populated as files are deleted or added by the builder.
    • Placing the tiles has an undo/redo feature. Tile placement can be undone using 'CTRL + Z', and redoing placements can be done with 'CTRL + SHIFT + Z'.
    • Deleting a level from the builder will only delete from the user levels area. Deleting a level in the Builder will renumber all the succeeding levels.

User Profile

  • To load your existing user profile or create a new one simply enter the name associated to the profile name in the options panel and press 'Switch User'.
  • If no user profile is loaded or created a default one will be made. If the game is exited and no custom profile is made, the default is saved to disk and reloaded at the next start of the game. Progress will be saved on the default profile if no custom profile is ever created.
  • Aesthetics will be saved to the currently loaded user profile so that when it is loaded it automatically changes the aesthetic to the user's chosen one.
  • Badges are saved and read from the user profiles. The badges menu will display the images for unlocked badges, and a blank preview for locked badges until they become unlocked. Resetting the badges will remove all unlocked badges in the profile, but the profile on disk will not update until the profile is saved to disk.
  • User profiles are saved to disk when the game application is exited through the top right 'X' button.
  • When a profile is loaded, the previously loaded profile is saved to disk. This includes the 'Default' profile.

Extra Features

  • XStacy Move:
    • A special move that adds extra moves/time depending on the level type.
  • Live Preview:
    • The level builder application automatically shows a live preview of the values given after hitting the enter key.
  • User Profiles:
    • Multiples users can have independent profiles to track their personal progress in the game.
  • Badges:
    • Achievements that the player has earned due to their performance/progress in the game. This was an optional feature for 5 person teams.
  • Aesthetics:
    • The color layout of the puzzles.
  • Resizable Window:
    • Objects within the window will resize if the window changes size.
  • Copy and Delete Levels:
    • A user can copy a user level to use for a new one or delete a user level if they do not want it anymore.
  • Logging Output:
    • File output for debugging purposes.


Building this project requires Maven 3 and JDK 1.7 To build the standalone JAR files, run the following command from the root project directory:

mvn package

This will generate the jar file com.mimas.sixeswild-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

  • To run the level builder, run the main class called "". This will open a window that allows user interaction for the builder.
  • To run the game application, run the main class called "". This will open a window that allows user interaction for the game.


  • When starting the game, the Default profile is automatically loaded if it exists on disk. If not, it is created and saved when the game exits. You may delete the 'DefaultProfile' to test unlocking levels sequentially, but it will be recreated if another user profile is not explicitly made or loaded.


  • All testing is done using the JUnit framework.
  • For testing GUI interaction and controller coverage, the Robot class is used simulate events. These events are simulated on the default window size.


  • Currently user levels 7 and 8 (7.xml, 8.xml) are used for test cases. These should not be modified in any way.
  • Currently user profiles Iggy, Rihanna and Test are used for test cases. These should not be modified in any way.
  • The default profile is used for test cases to unlock all levels. It should not be deleted or removed.


Team project for software engineering course.







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