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NPM package to clone or duplicate extsting terraform workspace.

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Getting started

terraform-workspace-clone is a command-line module to clone terraform workspace.


npm install -g terraform-workspace-clone


terraform-workspace-clone needs few details before cloning the workspace. Input can be provided using cli prompts or can pass pre-filled json file as command-line argument.

Cli prompts:

Run below command in cli.


Can also use tf-ws-clone , It is a shorthand command.


✔ TF domain name?   // Terraform domain, can be cloud or enterprise
✔ Source workspace ID? ws-9xZ3c3iabcdefgh     // Workspace id which you need to clone
✔ New workspace name? 00-test-1               // New workspace name
✔ Destination TF organization name?  abc_org  // TF org name in which new workspace will be created.
✔ (Optional) OAuth Token id from destinaton organization? // Required if want to clone VCS config. Refer 2nd screenshot.
✔ User api token  ****************              // User api token. Screenshot 1. For more details go to `API Token` section of
✔ Do you want to clone with values? no / yes  // Yes, if want to clone variables with values.

NOTE: User should have permission to access source and destination org.

  1. To generate user api token,
    go to User Settings -> Tokens -> click on "Create an API token" button -> Create API token -> Copy token -> Done.
    User API token

  2. To fetch VCS OAuth token ID, Select TF destination organization and go to Settings -> Providers -> Copy OAuth client id. Destination organization should be able to access VCS repo configured in source workspace. If VCS provider not configured then click on Settings -> Providers -> Add VCS provider. VCS token ID

Config file:

Input can be passed using pre-filled json file. JSON file should have below info:

    "baseUrl": "",
    "sourceWorkspaceId": "ws-9xZ3c3iabcdefgh",
    "newWorkspaceName": "00-test-1",
    "destinationOrgName": "abc_org",
    "destinationOrgVcsOauthTokenId": "",
    "userApiToken": "Zxcvbnm..............sjhsmD",
    "isCloneValue": true or false

and then pass this file as a input.

tf-ws-clone --config=<path to json file>/<filename>.json

This template can be generated using cli command. It will create a config template file with all the required keys tf_ws_clone_config.json at same path from where tf-ws-clone command is executed.

tf-ws-clone initconfig


tf-ws-clone --config=./tf_ws_clone_config.json

Running on-demand using npx:

Using npx you can run the script on-demand:

npx terraform-workspace-clone
npx terraform-workspace-clone --config=./tf_ws_clone_config.json

Run tests

npm run test

New planned features

  • Clone across multiple domains.
  • Allow config file path also for the required details.


👤 Sachin

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.

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📝 License

Copyright © 2022 Sachin
This project is MIT licensed.