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Chat Room Lite

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As Server

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install npm package ws,readline-sync & readline. Also, you should install showdown, showdown-highlight, showdown-katex for Markdown & LaTeX.
  3. Use command node Server.js and follow the instruction to start a chat room server

As Member

  1. Use your browser(WebSocket support needed) to open index.html and follow the instruction to join in a chat room


By default, the server-side control panel has the maximum accessibility to the server.

The user-side terminal is able to get the administrator authority through the automatically generated verification code on Server.

Server Side

A commandline panel is provided to manage the server.

All available commands:

  • list
  • ban
  • banip
  • recover
  • setDev(deprecated)
  • unsetDev(deprecated)
  • setAdmin
  • unsetAdmin

For more detail, please click here.

User side

The user-side terminal provides a simple way to get and exercise administrator authority.

When starting the server, a verification code will be automatically generated.(By default, its length will be 40)

use command /verify <Verification Code> to send a request to get administrator authority.

use command /ban <User ID> <Time(secs)> to shut somebody up. If <Time> is not specified, it will be 60.

use command /unban <User ID> to clear somebody's mute status.

use command /cls to clear the screen.

use command /exit to leave the chat room.

use command /notice to open / close the notice at the title of the website (<New Message Number>)Chat Room Lite.

use command /tag <Tag Info.> <Tag Color> to set your tag, and /untag to reset it.

use command /theme <Theme Name> to set the theme. You can put your own themes under ./Client/themes folder. You can also modify the theme list and theme icon at ThemeL and ThemeI in ./Client/index.html. The default theme list is ["DefaultLight", "DefaultDark"].

You can use Ctrl+Shift+A or click the icon below the input box to change input mode. Two input modes are provided:

  1. Single Line Mode - You can send messages in a fast speed. Use Enter to send message.

  2. Multiple Line Mode - You can make multiple-line messages in this mode. Use Ctrl+Enter to send message.

There are 3 icons before each username.

🔔 : Click this to show/unshow the user's messages.

✔️🚫 : Click this to add /[ban/unban] <User ID> into the input box.

@ : Click this to add @<User ID> into the input box. NOTE: Only the recipient will highlight the code. You should add a space after each @<User ID>, even after the end of the message.

You can click the comment icon beside a message to add a quote reply.


  1. WLAN support
  2. light and fast
  3. strong expansion
  4. readable code
  5. runs everywhere

Server-Side Command Usage



Description: Output the UserID and IP information of all users currently in the server.

list bannedip

Description: Output all the currently banned ips.


ban <User List>

Description: Force users in the User List(If exists) to quit the server.


banip <IP List>

Description: Permanently ban IPs in the IP List.


recover <IP List>

Description: End the banned states of IP in the IP List.


setDev <IP>

Description: This command and its related function are still under development. Not recommended for use.


unsetDev <IP>

Description: This command and its related function are still under development. Not recommended for use.


setAdmin <User List>

Description: Grant the users in the User List administrator authority.


unsetAdmin <User List>

Description: Reset the users in the User List to common user.