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Releases: Schweinepriester/github-profile-achievements

3.0.0 - Nice nine

09 Nov 12:56
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Three new have been added, Pair Extraordinaire, Quickdraw and Starstruck, bringing the total to nine!

In addition to Pair Extraordinaire and Starstruck having tiers like others before, Quickdraw and Starstruck also have variants based on the Emoji skin tone ✌️✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿.

They were added to GitHub on 2022-07-13.

2.0.0 - Double trouble, it's six now!

13 Jul 15:39
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Once again a while after they have been added, here are the six - three new, three updated.

They were added to GitHub on 2022-06-09.

1.0.0 - The initial three!

13 May 20:25
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Now that the dust has settled here are the initial three tagged as 1.0.0 for easier comparison in the future.

They were added to GitHub on 2021-04-19.