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License: MIT



A place to discover or be discovered

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About The Project


Scritomatic is a web application that enables writers to create and manage their scripts, and agents to browse, purchase and own scripts posted on the platform. This platform provides a workspace for writers to create, edit and delete drafts and post their scripts on the market, where agents can browse and purchase scripts that interest them. Agents can message writers to ask questions before and after purchasing a script. This platform tracks the status of each script to ensure that only one agent owns a script. This platform also enables writers to view their posted scripts and their status, and agents to view their purchased scripts. The intent of this we application is to provide a streamlined platform that simplifies the process of connecting writers and agents, and facilitates the sale and ownership of scripts.

Our goal is to provide a useful platform for both writers and agents in the entertainment industry. This platform provides a centralized marketplace for writers to showcase their scripts and for agents to easily browse, purchase, and own high-quality scripts. This platform will help speed up the process in which scripts are moved to the next stage of development.

Overall, our team believes that Scriptomatic has the potential to improve the movie production industry by providing a streamlined platform that allows writers to showcase their work and for agents to discover and purchase high-quality scripts that meet their needs.

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Built With

Getting Started

Deployed Website


As a scriptwriter, the application usage is as followed:

View posted scripts: image

Writer workspace: image

Easily edit, publish or simply save you projects: image

Video demonstation of writer platform:


As an agent, the application usage is as followed:

Browse posted scripts, specify search by utilizing the "Search by" feature to narrow down script need: image

Easily purchase scripts or message the writer for further details: image

View purchased scripts: image

Video demonstation of agent platform:



  • Node.js and Express.js used to create a RESTful API
  • Handlebars.js used as template engine
  • MySQL and Sequelize ORM used for the database
  • GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
  • One new package, package, or technology
  • Folder structure meets the MVC paradigm
  • includes authentication (express-session and cookies)
  • environment variable placed to protect API keys and sensitive information
  • Deployed using Heroku
  • Responsive
  • Polished UI
  • Clean structure that meets quality coding standards
  • Quality README

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Tasks and Roles

Abdelrahman Ahmed

Back-end design and schema creation: Created database schema, controller routes for user model and server setup. Also contributed to connecting the controller routes to the handlebar

Graham Synnott

Back-end design and schema creation: Created database schema, models, server setup, and controller routes for the user model. also added hooks to TBLuser model, validation to models and connected the controller routes to the handlebar

Luba Mintsys

Front-end design and development: Constructed and styled all user HTML pages. Contributed to server set up, agent handlebars navigation and connecting controller routes to handlebar

Onelle Fullente

Front-end design and development: Assisted with the construction and styling of user HTML pages and supported with front-end javascript functionality

Rajvir Dhanoa

Front-end design and development: Assisted with the contruction and styling of user HTML pages. Incorporated Readme template and made updates

Ayad Patel

integration with front-end design: Incorporated front-end javaScript functionality, created button and form event listeners

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Distributed under the MIT License.
To see the license permissions for commercial and non-commercial use, modification, and distribution of the software, please see the full text of the license, available at



Abdelrahman Ahmed

Graham Synnott

Luba Mintsys

Onelle Fullente

Rajvir Dhanoa

Ayad Patel


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