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SLATE: Service Layer Traffic Engineering

adiprerepa, gangmuk

This repository houses all the components of Service Layer Traffic Engineering (SLATE), a system that globally optimizes the flow of requests for end-to-end application latency and cost deployed in multi-region enviroments.

To find the multi-cluster survey results, go to multicluster survey reult.pdf in the home directory of this repo.

There are three major components:

  • Global controller: /global-controller
  • Data plane: /wasm-plugins/slate-plugin
  • Cluster controller: /cluster-controller (optional)

SLATE Architecture

This system is tested on Istio.

The workflow is as such:

  • The data plane in every region collects realtime metrics about current load (RPS) and experienced latency of those requests.
  • The global controller builds a load to latency model for each service over time. When feasible, it uses this model in a Mixed-Integer Linear Program and solves for optimal request flow, minimizing latency. This solution is expressed as rules that are pushed to the data plane.
  • The data plane enforces these rules.


We benchmark on three applications: Hotel Reservation, Online Boutique, and Alibaba.



Online Boutique:





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