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Truly immutable collections, functional errors handling, laziness, and measurement utilities


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Java Useful Utils

Truly immutable collections, functional errors handling, laziness and measurement utilities.

This library has no dependencies (except the test scope).

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Table of contents

Quick start

You need Java 8+ to use the library.




implementation 'com.kirekov:java-useful-utils' 


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The library consists of three big parts.


Sometimes we all face with the problem when we need to measure time of execution of one function or method. Usually it suppose to be done like this:

long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
int result = doSomething();
long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
long measurementResult = after - before;

It might be OK, if we need to do this once. But if there are several functions that have to be measured, writing the same code snippets every time is gonna be exhausting.

So here is the solution:

ExecutionResult<Integer> exec =
int res = exec.getResult();
long time = exec.getTime();
assert exec.getMeasureUnit() == MeasureUnit.MILLIS;

Simple, right? If you need to measure something in different units, just call the appropriate method (inMillis(), inNanos() or inSeconds()).

And what if you need to measure code block from one point to another? Well, Profiler is what you need.

Profiler profiler = Profiler.startMeasuringInMillis();
// do some useful stuff
long time = profiler.stopMeasuring();

Such code style is much clearer than putting System.currentTimeInMillis() everywhere.


I think every java developer used at least one monad - java.util.Optional. This class allows to work with nullable values much more efficiently.

return Optional.ofNullable(getNullableString())
               .map(str -> str + "I've just edited it")
               .orElse("Oh my god. It is empty");

This library has one monads: Try.


Try allows you to work with methods that may throw an exception in the same way as Optional in a lazy way. For instance, suppose we have such code:

int num;
try {
    String value = getStringValue();
    num = Integer.parseInt(value);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    num = getDefaultIntValue();
try {
    return executeRpc(num);
catch (RPCException e) {

In this case we don't care about the exception type but the error fact itself. JUU allows to rewrite this snippet as two equations:

int num = Try.of(() -> Integer.parseInt(getStringValue()))
             .orElseGet(() -> getDefaultIntValue());
return Try.of(() -> executeRpc(num))

Also we can use map, flatMap and filter functions.

int value = Try.of(this::getStringValue)
               .flatMap(str -> Try.of(() -> Integer.parseInt(str)))
               .filter(num -> num > 0)

Let's deconstruct this monad step by step:

  1. Receives some string value from getStringValue() method.
  2. Reverses string.
  3. Converts string to integer.
  4. Checks if number is positive.
  5. If any of previous steps fails, throws IllegalArgumentException.

And here is the same code written in pure java:

int value;
try {
    String val = getStringValue();
    String reversed = reverseString(val);
    value = Integer.parseInt(reversed);
    if (value <= 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("no no no");
catch (Exception e) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();

If you need the exception that led to the error, you can use orElseGet variation.

Try.of(() -> Integer.parseInt(getStringValue))
   .map(x -> 2 % x)
   .orElseGet((Exception reason) -> {
       log.error("Something went wrong", reason);
       return 0;

reason has the type of Exception and it's the instance of that very exception that broke the chain. For instance, if Integer.parseInt threw an exception, the reason would be the type of NumberFormatException. On the other hand, if x == 0 in the map callback, the reason would be the type of ArithmeticException.

The class only catches Exception type. It means that all Throwable instances are skipped. The motivation is that Error extends from Throwable but these exceptions should not be caught manually.

The fact that Try monad acts lazily means that you build a pipeline of execution that triggers on any terminal operation.

Try<Integer> t = Try.of(() -> {
      println("First step");
      return 1;
    }).map(val -> {
      println("Second step");
      return val + 1;
    }).filter(val -> {
      println("Third step");
      return val > 0;
// nothing prints here
assert 2 == t.orElseThrow();
// First step
// Second step
// Third step

All terminal operations are listed in the javadoc.


The "Collections" part consists of two subparts: "Immutable collections" and "Mutable containers".

Immutable collections

One of the most irritating thing for me in Java is total absence of immutable collections. For instance, suppose we have such code:

List<Integer> numbers = getNumbers();
List<Integer> result = doSomething(numbers);

Have this list been changed? What have been returned by doSomething()? The same list or the new one? If we delete an element from numbers, will it have an effect on result?

Well, we can implement our own "immutable" list that inherits java.util.List and make mutating methods (add, clear, set...) throw an exception. But how do we know what implementation has been passed as a parameter? It is not convenient to write try {} catch (Exception e) {} or use Try on every add call.

JUU library provides new collections, which interfaces do not inherits from java native Collections. Here is the scheme scheme

The recommended way to instantiate immutable collections is to use Immutable class.

// lists

ImmutableList<Integer> list1 = 
        Immutable.listOf(1, 2, 3)   // accepts T...
ImmutableList<String> list2 = 
        Immutable.listOf(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"))  // accepts Iterable<T>

// sets

ImmutableSet<Integer> set1 =
        Immutable.setOf(1, 2, 3);
ImmutableSet<String> set2 =
        Immutable.setOf(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));

// maps

ImmutableMap<String, Integer> map1 =
        Immutable.mapOf("1", 1, "2", 2, "3", 3);
ImmutableMap<String, Integer> map2 =
            Pair.of("1", 2),
            Pair.of("2", 2),
            Pair.of("3", 3)

You can also use collectors from ImmutableCollectors to create immutable collections from Stream.

ImmutableList<String> list = 

ImmutableSet<String> set = 

ImmutableMap<String, Integer> map = 
                        value -> value

You can user Stream API with immutable collections as well, but ImmutableList and ImmutableSet provides kotlin-like methods: map, flatMap, filter, min, max and zip (for lists). ImmutableList also has sorted, zipWith, zipWithNext and indexed methods mapIndexed, flatMapIndexed, filterIndexed.

ImmutableList<Integer> mappedList =;
ImmutableSet<String> mappedSet = set.flatMap(str -> Arrays.asList(str, str + "1"));

ImmutableList<Integer> filtered1 = mappedList.filter(x -> x > 0);
ImmutableList<Integer> filtered2 = 
        mappedList.filterIndexed((index, val) -> index % 2 == 0);

ImmutableList provides Python-like Slice API. Which means, that you can use negative indices, steps and negative steps.

ImmutableList<Integer> list = getList();          // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
assert list.get(list.size() - 1) == list.get(-1)  // 6

// startIndex (inclusively), endIndex (exclusively), stepSize
list.slice(0, 3, 1);                              // [1, 2, 3]
list.slice(-1, 2, -1);                            // [6, 5, 4]
list.slice(0, 6, 2);                              // [1, 3, 5]
list.step(3)                                      // [1, 4]
// if stepSize is negative, startIndex is -1
list.step(-2)                                     // [6, 4, 2]
Mutable containers

Sometimes we need to return several values from method. Problem can be solved by creating values wrapper. But it may produce tons of "infrastructural code", especially if types vary. JUU has special mutable containers that can be passed as a parameter. For instance

List<Row> someList = ...;
MutableValue<Row> biggest = new MutableValue<>(null);
// suppose to call `biggest.setValue(row)`
int affectedRows = fillWithMagic(someList, biggest);
return biggest.getValue();

Also lib has implementations for each primitive type. MutableInt, MutableDouble, MutableShort, MutableLong, MutableFloat, MutableChar, MutableByte, MutableBoolean.
