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How to Run it

First, install Hugo Extended ver 0.101.0 or greater.

paru -S hugo-extended-cli
sudo pacman -S hugo-extended-cli
gh clone
cd firecashugo
npm install
npm start

Check it on on http://localhost:6969/.

Developing Components

Create a Svelte file in the app/components directory. It must have a custom element tag.

<svelte:options tag="hi-mom" />

    export let greeting: string;

<h1>Hi Mom! {greeting}</h1> 

Export the component from app/main.ts:

export * from './components/hi-mom.svelte';

Now use it in anywhere in your HTML or Markdown.

<hi-mom greeting="i made a web component"></hi-mom>

Create content to it.

cd firecashugo/content/lessons 
upload an thumbnail in the .../lessons/"some_post"/img


 << git add .>>
 << git commit -m "s">>
 << git pull >>
 << git push>>

Note: A weird caveat with Svelte web components is that all styles must be encapsulated. You can use Tailwind, BUT only with @apply in the component. Global styles will not work.


  • npm start: Main dev server. Runs everything you need.
  • npm run dev: Runs components in isolation. Serves app/index.html as a playground for components.
  • npm run hugo: Only runs static site.
  • npm run build: Build for production