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SQL Queries

Lewisham edited this page Mar 24, 2011 · 4 revisions

This page lists the queries we used to generate the numbers listed in our papers. Please email us if you have questions or comments.

MSR 2011

Here are the SQL queries used to generate the numbers in the 2011 MSR paper.

Get number of revisions

select count(*) from scmlog
where repository_id = ?

Get number of hunks

select count(*) from hunks h, scmlog s
where h.commit_id =
and s.repository_id = ?

Get number of code files

select count(distinct f.file_name) from files f, file_types ft
where ft.file_id =
and f.repository_id = ?
and ft.type = 'code'

Get number of bugs

select count(distinct bug_commit_id)
from hunk_blames hb, scmlog s, hunks h, file_types ft, files f
where hb.bug_commit_id =
and hb.hunk_id =
and h.file_id =
and ft.file_id =
and ft.type = 'code' 
and s.repository_id = 1