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Go plugin for detecting application version whenever the application is deployed into Cloud Foundry.

Status: Awarded first prize for ThoughtWorks Go Plugin Challenge, March 2015

Potential use cases

  • Execution of tests that don't need to block a deploy.
  • Deploy of an application that needs to match the version of the other application - e.g. an application providing preview functionality for CMS managed content.
  • Performance testing - keep a record of the app over time without having to hook these tests into the application's build pipeline.


Versions 1.0.0 - 1.0.2: Java 6 or higher.

Version 2.0.0: Java 8.

Version 3.0.0: GoCD 16.2.0 and CloudFoundry API 2.


./gradlew clean build


After building, copy the generated jar file from build/libs/springer-gocd-cloudfoundry-plugin-3.0.1.jar to your Go server's external plugins directory.

Restart Go server to allow it to detect and install the new plugin.

Verify that the plugin has successfully been installed by navigating to the Admin / Plugins section on your Go server.


This plugin expects your application name within CloudFoundry to include an integer value as a suffix which represents the app version.


There are two stages involved in making use of this Material:

  • Admin / Package Repositories Add Package Repository - select Cloud Foundry as the type and provide the credentials for accessing your Cloud Foundry
  • During pipeline creation, specify Package as Material type and select the repository that you created in the previous step Select Define New and provide the details of your app.

GoCD version support

According to the release notes for version 16.10.0 of GoCD, the API used by this plugin has been deprecated and will cease to be usable from version 17.1 - expected around January 2017. Work is in progress to either apply a shim around this, or utilise whatever API the GoCD 17 supports directly.

About the name

springer = I worked for Springer Science+Business Media during the development of this plugin and started development during a hack day there.

gocd = The plugin runs inside the ThoughtWorks GoCD Continuous Delivery server.

cloudfoundry = The platform that the plugin polls to detect updates to a deployed application.

plugin = A self-contained module which runs inside an application.

Version History


4 January 2017

Integrated change to allow plugin to continue to work with GoCD 17.1


4 January 2017

Bug fix for ordering by app updated timestamp.


4 January 2017

Initial attempt at support for CloudFoundry API version 2.


8 March 2015

Java 8 required. This should make the plugin more appealing to developers who may want to fork it and customise.

Minor inconvenience - if your Go Server installation is using an older JVM then it should fail to load the plugin (but, let's face it, you want to upgrade).


23 February 2015

Revision number parsing updated to support positive real numbers.


22 February 2015

Password property 'secure'.


18 February 2015

Original release.