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Repository files navigation

== Installation ==
1. Upload `formidable-locations` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu
3. Go to the Formidable 'Settings' menu and click the button to start import.
4. Wait a long time
5. After import completes, you can insert Data from entries fields in any form

== Changelog ==

= 2.02 =
* Fix: Remove invalid city data.

= 2.01 =
* New: Switch to lookup fields instead of dynamic fields
* New: Add a link to reset locations.

= 2.0.01 =
* Get updates from

= 1.0.03 =
* Update for Formidable 2.0+ compatibility
* Remove counties to prevent extra data that isn't frequently used

= 1.0.02 =
* Fix parse error affecting some users.
* This now requires at least v1.07.05 of Formidable.

= 1.0.01 =
* Replace deprecated function usage

= 1.0 =
* Update for Formidable v1.07.02+ compatibility

= 1.0RC2 =
* Added Worldwide states/provinces
* Updated cities without counties so import will complete