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URL shortener API

Live application with list of all shortened links:

This is a url shortener API, build with Ruby On Rails 6.

Cloning and Usage

  • Clone this repo to your local system.
  • Execute rails db:create to create the database for the first time.
  • Execute rails db:migrate to migrate the database and create tables in your database.
  • Execute yarn to install frontend dependencies.

Testing the app

We have rake tasks to mimic the API calls, So to test the app do the following.

  • Start your server with rails server.

To shorten a URL run following rake task.

  • rake app:encode URL=

Result will be something like this:

  • The shortened url of is

To get original_url from the shortened url run the following rake task.

  • rake app:decode SHORTURL=

Result will be:

  • The original url of short url is


Shorten new URL:

Get Original URL from shortened one:

  • EndPoint - /links/tkLo2367, GET
  • Params - No params

View Task (Pin url feature)

List of all urls with their shortened urls. Pin a url and it will move at the top of list.

Implementation Detail

  • All links have an attribute named pinned which is false by default.
  • When a user pins a link, the pinned attribute changes to true.
  • And the list is ordered in descending order according to their updated_at time.
  • Hence the last pinned link will have higher updated_at value and will appear at top of list.