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Conditional Statements If, Elif, Else Statements: Demonstrates the use of conditional logic to execute different code blocks based on specific conditions. User Input Handling: Shows how to handle different user inputs using conditional statements.

Loops For Loops: Introduces the use of for loops to iterate over lists, tuples, and dictionaries, including filtering and performing operations on data. While Loops: Provides examples of using while loops for repeated execution as long as a condition remains true, including an optional else clause.

Useful Operators Range Function: Examples of using the range function to generate a sequence of numbers. List Comprehensions: Demonstrates creating lists based on conditions in a single line of code. Random Module Usage: Showcases the use of shuffle and randint functions from Python's random module to manipulate lists and generate random numbers.

Special Examples FizzBuzz Game: A classic programming task that prints "Fizz", "Buzz", or "FizzBuzz" based on divisibility by 3, 5, or both. Word Filtering in Strings: Examples of filtering words in a string based on specific criteria like starting letters or word length.