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Scoop ESLint Configuration

To use:

npm install --save-dev eslint@8 @scoop/eslint-config-scoop@latest

Then, add an .eslintrc.json file with the following:

    "extends": "@scoop/eslint-config-scoop"

Then, try running like npx eslint .

If using TypeScript, this configuration will default to trying to use tsconfig.json as the TS config file; if using another filename, make sure to override the parserOptions.project config option with the correct filename.


Originally, Scoop's eslint configuration was designed to support both Scoop's style guidelines as well as catch syntactical errors. After some evolution, Prettier was adopted by Scoop's Frontend team, and then eventually expanded to our backend code as well. Our goal is to have our eslint catch all of our code-quality issues (no-unused-vars), while letting Prettier decide our formatting decisions (max-len). No ESLint style rule should ever contradict a Prettier rule, but style rules may be added only if it complements Prettier (ex: newline before return), but these should be used extremely sparingly.

For more on our style philosophy, please see Prettier's option philosophy


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