Hello I'm Tchoupinax ! 🦄 I am a software engineer who loves architecture. Tilt addict.
- image-operator — Image operator allow to copy and build image from your Kubernetes cluster
- k8s-labels-migrator — Your favorite tool to migrate labels on your deploy without any downtime
- fuzzy-engine — A Simple and powerful interface to manager your private Docker registry 🐳
- s3-prometheus-exporter — A Prometheus exporter with severa metrics about your S3 bucket 🗳️
- proxmox-sdk - An opiniated and abtracted SDK for Proxmox
- Tilt-vscode-extension — VSCode extension to colorize Tiltfile
- graphql-friendly — Simpliest graphql client
- postgres-stats — Postgres stats is a dashboard to analyze your Postgres database and speed up you app
- traefik-custom-error-pages — Rewrite a give up project I love with Hugo 💚
- keep my link — A registry about links and resources 😍
I'm active on Github for public/community project but the main part of my projects are hosted privatly. I love Gitea for that ! 🖤