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Homiconic C

version: 0.5.11

Codeship Status for TheSwanFactory/hclang


Homoiconic C (HC) is a single universal language for code and data. This repository contains the first implementation of HC as an interpreter written in TypeScript running on nodejs. It also contains a sample application called MAML, the Multipurpose Abstract Markup Language. MAML is a radically simple proposal for replacing all the existing web technologies (HMTL, CSS, JavaScript, SVG, etc.) with a single format based on HC. It can also be used to define easily-parseable variants of other common file formats (e.g., HCSV, HCSON).


$ npm install
$ export DEBUG=true # optional
$ npm run hc

This will launch the interpreter.


To generate and run the BitScheme documentation, type:

$ npm run bs:all

This will open the BitScheme.html file, and also run the documentation through the testdoc evaluator which will generate pass/fail messages.


  1. Install the Atom editor.

  2. Install the language-maml Atom package.

  3. Clone the github repository.

  4. Install node.js.

  • e.g., brew install node on macOS.
  1. Run npm test.


From the feature branch:

  1. Update

  2. Run npm run done to bump version and tag

  3. Merge PR

Should automatically publish to npmjs.