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react-snippets README


React code snippets is still under development and will change regularly! Any contributions or remarks are welcome as we progress to a fixed version.

Supported languages

  • Javascript
  • Javascript React
  • Typescript
  • Typescript React


  • Jest testing framework included



How What Alternative keys
memo Stateless react memo component -
memop Stateless react memo component with PropTypes memo
rsc Stateless react component comp, stateless
rscp Stateless react component with PropTypes comp, rsc, stateless
pure Pure component react -
purep Pure component react with PropTypes pure
compo Regular react component comp
compp Regular react component with PropTypes comp
rcomp Regular react component with redux comp, rrc, reduxcomp
rcompp Regular react component with redux and PropTypes comp, rcomp, rrc, rrcp, reduxcomp


How What Alternative keys
dpn React set the displayName of a component display, displayname
bind React bind functions to 'this' context -
setstate React set state function sets, ss
defp React default props definition def, defprops, dp, default, defaultprops
prop React PropTypes definition proptypes, pt
ren React render function render

Lifecycle methods

How What Alternative keys
getderived Called when state depends on changes in props over time derived, gdsfp, life, lifecycle
shouldcomponent Returns false to skip rendering should, scu, life, lifecycle
snapshot Returns a snapshot or should return null getsnapshot, snap, life, lifecycle
snapshot Returns a snapshot and pass it to ComponentDidUpdate getsnapshot, snap, life, lifecycle
didmount Called right after mounting the component life, lifecycle
didupdate Called whenever a component will be updated life, lifecycle
willunmount Called when component is being removed from the dom unmount, life, lifecycle


How What Alternative keys
number React PropType Number prop, propn, propnumber
number React PropType Number Required prop, propn, propnumber, propr
string React PropType String prop, props, propstring
string React PropType String Required prop, props, propstring, propr
array React PropType Array prop, propa, proparray
array React PropType Array Required prop, propa, proparray, propr
bool React PropType Bool prop, propb, propbool
bool React PropType Bool Required prop, propb, propbool, propr
object React PropType Object prop, propo, propobject
object React PropType Object Required prop, propo, propobject, propr
func React PropType Function prop, propf, propfunc
func React PropType Function Required prop, propf, propfunc, propr
symbol React PropType Symbol prop, props, propsymbol
symbol React PropType Symbol Required prop, props, propsymbol, propr
node React PropType Node prop, propn, propnode
node React PropType Node Required prop, propn, propnode, propr
element React PropType Element prop, prope, propelement
element React PropType Element Required prop, prope, propelement, propr
instanceof React PropType InstanceOf prop, propi, propinstance, instance
instanceof React PropType InstanceOf Required prop, propi, propinstance, instance, propr
oneof React PropType OneOf prop, propone, proponeof, one
oneof React PropType OneOf Required prop, propone, proponeof, one propr
oneoftype React PropType OneOf prop, proponetype, proponeoftype, onetype
oneoftype React PropType OneOf Required prop, proponetype, proponeoftype, onetype propr
arrayof React PropType ArrayOf prop, propa, proparrayof, array
arrayof React PropType ArrayOf Required prop, propa, proparrayof, array, propr
objectof React PropType ObjectOf prop, propo, propobjectof, object
objectof React PropType ObjectOf Required prop, propo, propobjectof, object , propr
shape React PropType Shape prop, propsh, propshape
shape React PropType Shape Required prop, propsh, propshape , propr

Redux Functions

How What Alternative keys
rstp Redux function mapStateToProps map, mapToProps, propsTo, redux
rdtp Redux function mapDispatchToProps map, mapToProps, dispatch, dispTo, redux
rbac Redux bind actions in one function bind, binda, actionc, redux

Global Functions

How What Alternative keys
con Class constructor calling the super class with props constructor
imp Import default module import
impa Import module as alias imp, import
forof Loop over object keys fof
forin Loop over object values fin
foreach Foreach loop feach
map Map loop -

Jest Functions

How What Alternative keys
test Default test implementation of Jest -
it Default it implementation of Jest -
desc Describe test suite describe

For questions or to request additions, changes and so on, please open an issue on the Github page.


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