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HTTP API Client Bundle

Required configuration example

    class: ApiClient\Service\ApiClient
        $httpClient: '@GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface'

ApiClient\Service\ApiClientInterface: '@ApiClient\Service\ApiClient'

Usage example

private \ApiClient\Service\ApiClientInterface $apiClient;

public function __construct(\ApiClient\Service\ApiClientInterface $apiClient)
    $this->apiClient = $apiClient;

public function sendGet()
    // curl --location --request GET ''
    $response = $this->apiClient
        ->withRequest(['some' => 'data',])

    /** @var int $responseCode */
    $responseCode = $response->getCode();
    /** @var array<string, string> $responseHeaders */
    $responseHeaders = $response->getHeaders();
    /** @var Example\EndpoindDTO $responseDTO */
    $responseDTO = $response->getResponse();

public function sendPost()
    // curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"some": "data"}'
    $response = $this->apiClient
        ->withRequest(['some' => 'data',])

    /** @var int $responseCode */
    $responseCode = $response->getCode();
    /** @var array<string, string> $responseHeaders */
    $responseHeaders = $response->getHeaders();
    /** @var Example\EndpoindDTO $responseDTO */
    $responseDTO = $response->getResponse();


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