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More Must

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GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later, © 2018 Jan Dockx

Extensions to Must npm version (© 2013 Andri Möll).








Node 6, 8 and 10 are supported. This is checked because the code is tested on Travis with the latest versions of these major versions.

Development is currently done in Node 8 (see .nvmrc). It cannot be done in Node 6 anymore. Travis uses the command npm ci to test in Node 8 and Node 10, instead of npm test. npm ci requires a more advanced version of package-lock.json or [npm-shrinkwrap.json] than the version of npm shipped with Node 6 can generate.

The package-lock.json in this repo is generated with npm 6.4.1 from Node 8.12.0. This is not recognized by npm 3 (Node 6). There is no lock for Node 6.


  • documentation
  • finish and verify index.d.ts



npm (version 3.10.10!) warns

@toryt/more-must@1.0.0-pre.0 license should be a valid SPDX license expression

Yet it is. Don't worry. This is probably a version issue.

legally and tldrlegal

These reports cannot currently be used. The latest version of legally (currently 3.2.1) cannot be used, because it uses async, and this package still has to work on node 6, which doesn't support that yet. Earlier versions cannot be used, because they suffer from a bug for modules-in-modules.