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API's and endpoints



(i) /users/register <-----> {method===>POST} <-----> (for registering new user) ==request body== { email:String, password:String, city:String, name:String, mobile:Number, age:Number, gender:String } ==responses== 1.res = {"message":"Registered successfully"}---->[successfull registration] 2.res = {"message":error}----->[if any error happens] 3.res = {"message":"User already exists, please login"}----->if user already exists

(ii) /users/login <-----> {method===>POST} <----->(for logging into the account) ==request body== { email:String, password:String } ==responses== 1.res = {"message":'login successfull',"token":token,"user_details":[{email,name...}]}---->[successfull login] 2.res = {"message":error}----->[if any error happens] 4.res = {"message":"wrong password"}----->[correct email & wrong password] 5.res = {"message":"Incorrect email"}----->[correct password & wrong email]

(iii) /admins/register <-----> {method===>POST} <-----> (for registering new admin) ==request body== { email:String, password:String, city:String, name:String, mobile:Number, age:Number, gender:String, secretkey:String } ==responses== 1.res = {"message":"Admin Registered successfully"}---->[successfull registration] 2.res = {"message":error}----->[if any error happens] 3.res = {"message":"You already have an account, please login"}----->if user already exists

(iv) /admins/login <-----> {method===>POST} <----->(for logging into the admin account) ==request body== { email:String, password:String } ==responses== 1.res = {"message":'Successfully logged in as admin',"token":token,"admin_details":[{email,name...}]}---->[successfull login] 2.res = {"message":error}----->[if any error happens] 4.res = {"message":"wrong password"}----->[correct email & wrong password] 5.res = {"message":"Incorrect email"}----->[correct password & wrong email]

(v) /products/ <-----> {method===>GET} <----->(getting all the products)

 search=String  [it will get the items which include the string passed in search query]
 category=mens || womens || kids [filters on the basis of category]
 sort=asc [ascending order on price basis]
 sort=desc [descending order on price basis]
 minprice=Number [gets products having price larger than minprice]
 maxprice=Number [gets products having price larger than maxprice]
 1.res = [{},{},---]     <---->[array containg objects]
 2.res = {"message":error}      <----->[if any error happens]

(vi) /products/:id <-----> {method===>GET} <----->(getting a single product)

 1.res = {}     <---->[object containing tht product]
 2.res = {"message":error}      <----->[if any error happens]

(vii) /products/upload <------> {method===>POST} <----> (for posting a product)

==request body==

{ url:String, title:String, desc:String, category:String, price:Number, cutprice:Number, id:Number, stock:Number } ===request headers=== <-->req.headers.authorization=token<-->

1.res = {"message":"Product uploaded successfully"}
2.res = {"message":error}

(viii) /products/:id <------> {method===>PATCH} <----> (for updating details of a product)

<-->req.body=object containing updated details<-->

1.res = {"message":"product details updated successfully"}   
2.res = {"message":error}

(ix) /products/:id <------> {method===>DELETE} <----> (for deleting a particular product)


1.res = {"message":"The product has been deleted successfully"}
2.res = {"message":error}

(x) /cart <------> {method====>GET} <----> (for getting all the products in the cart of the user who is logged in)


1.res = [{},{},---]     <---->[array containg objects]
2.res = {"message":error}     <----->[if any error happens]

(xi) /cart/upload <------> {method====>POST} <----> (to add product to the cart)

  <--->req.body={all the product keys}

1.res = {"message":"quantity in cart increased by one"}    <---->[if product is already in the cart]
2.res = {"message":"No authorization to do this task"}  
3.res = {"message":"Product has been added to the cart"}  <-->[product added to the cart]
4.res = {"message":error}     <----->[if any error happens]

(xii) /cart/delete/:id <------> {method====>DELETE} <----> (to remove product from the cart)


1.res = {"message":"No authorization to do this task"}
3.res = {"message":"item removed from cart"}  <-->[product removed from the cart]
4.res = {"message":error}     <----->[if any error happens]

(xiii) /cart/increasequantity/:id <------> {method====>PATCH} <----> (to increase quantity of the product)


1.res = {"message":"No authorization to do this task"}
3.res = {"message":"quantity increased by one"}  <-->[to increase quantity]
4.res = {"message":error}     <----->[if any error happens]

(xiv) /cart/decreasequantity/:id <------> {method====>PATCH} <----> (to decrease quantity of the product)


1.res = {"message":"No authorization to do this task"}
3.res = {"message":"quantity decreased by one"}  <-->[to decrease quantity]
4.res = {"message":error}     <----->[if any error happens]