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Smart contracts release process exploration

This repository explores the possibilities for release process for smart contracts.

A first iteration is explained in this document.


There are two main problems we are trying to address here.

1. Compilation artifacts of previous releases are often lost

In many occasions, the artifacts are not commited in the repository and are therefore lost just after the contracts have been deployed. It may create all kind of annoying issues:

  • not being able to re-deploy the exact same contracts or verify the contracts afterwards because the metadata have changed,
  • having hard times interacting with the deployed contracts because the ABIs have changed.

As a smart contract developer, I want to be able to develop in an isolated way without worrying about modifying artifacts of previous releases.

And as a smart contract "dev ops", I want to be able to create a freeze of the code at a certain point in time and create the associated artifacts. The artifacts should be sufficient for any later uses such as deployments, transactions, Etherscan verifications or generation of packages for downstream uses.

2. Sharing compilation artifacts and deployment addresses is often messy

In many projects, ABIs and addresses are copy pasted. While this is fine in some simple cases, it is generally an important source of mistakes.

As a backend or frontend developer, I want to be able to access the releases artifacts and the deployment addresses.


Solving the issues above can probably be done in many ways and will strongly depend on the project at hand.

However, let's try to define and implement some standard paths.

In each case, we are interested of managing multiple releases:

  • the ones associated with particular tag, e.g. v1.0.0,
  • the latest associated with the latest state of the codebase. This release evolves with the codebase.

About compilation artifacts

Once a compilation with Hardhat has been made, a bunch of artifacts are generated. In particular, a build info file is generated and contains all the informations related to the compilation. The other artifacts are actually only some extracts from this core artifact.

That is why we will try to only keep track of this build info file as single artifact for each release.

Path #1: the repository keeps everything

In this version, we commit the release files and the deployments directly in the repository.

We store the releases artifacts in the releases folder which is committed on the main branch. Different GitHub workflows will help us having this folder up to date:

  • on push on main: the latest release is created or updated,
  • on push on tags: the <tag> release is created,
  • on pull request: nothing is updated but we generate a diff with the current state of the latest release.

Deployments will be stored in the deployments folder which is commited on the main branch too. Scripts are written in the repository in order to deploy contracts based on the artifacts contained in the releases folder.

A NPM package is created in order to share the ABIs and the deployments.

Details about current iteration: Path #1: the repository keeps everything

The main.yml workflow file contains the heart of the artifacts release process

    name: Release latest
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      pull-requests: write
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Setup Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: 20.10
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: yarn
      - name: Create artifacts
        run: yarn compile
      - name: Commit release artifacts
          RELEASE_TAG: latest
        run: |
          build_info_filename=$(ls -AU artifacts/build-info | head -1)
          mkdir -p releases/$RELEASE_TAG
          cp -r artifacts/build-info/$build_info_filename releases/$RELEASE_TAG/build-info.json
          git config "github-actions[bot]"
          git config "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
          if [[ `git status --porcelain` ]]; then
            git add .
            git commit -m "update latest release artifacts"
            git push

The tags.yaml worfklow will handle all the other releases and will be quite similar in terms of jobs.


When dealing with a list of releases, deployments must take into account which release we're considering. For each release, only a set of contracts is available.

As we can't rely on the usual integration of Hardhat or hardhat-deploy, helper scripts have been made in order to retrieve a contract artifact for a given name and a given release. Once the artifact retrieved, one should deploy using directly the artifact, so using the bytecode, abi, etc... Even if this means a bit more work, the advantage is that we are now working with fixed artifacts that can no longer be modified.

The helper scripts are based on a "releases summary" that needs to be generated beforehand, i.e.

# Generate ignored `releases/generated/summary.ts` file
yarn generate-releases-summary

Once the summary, one can use the helpes defined in scripts/v2/artifacts.ts. As an example, here is the script for deploying the current contracts for latest release using hardhat-deploy

// deploy/00-deploy-counter.ts
const deployCounter: DeployFunction = async function (
  hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment,
) {
  const { deployer } = await hre.getNamedAccounts();

  const incrementOracleArtifact = await contract(
  const incrementOracleDeployment = await hre.deployments.deploy(
      contract: {
        abi: incrementOracleArtifact.abi,
        bytecode: incrementOracleArtifact.evm.bytecode.object,
        metadata: incrementOracleArtifact.metadata,
      from: deployer,
      log: true,

  const counterArtifact = await contract("src/Counter.sol/Counter").getArtifact(
  await hre.deployments.deploy("Counter@latest", {
    contract: {
      abi: counterArtifact.abi,
      bytecode: counterArtifact.evm.bytecode.object,
      metadata: counterArtifact.metadata,
    libraries: {
    from: deployer,
    log: true,

Version/Release manager

Changesets is used in order to manage versions here but any other tools can be freely chosen.

What needs to be done

  • Storing artifacts outside of the repository,
  • Exploration for NPM package.