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A free and open-source wiki, based on git. No databases, no hassle.

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A Powerful New Wiki

Skribki stands apart from most wiki software in its simplicity without sacraficing functionality; it runs entirely without external databases or login systems, making it super simple to install. Just download it and its ready to go.

Quick Install

Skribki can be quickly installed by simply cloning the repository and installing its dependencies. You will need npm and NodeJS 6 or later for this.

$ git clone --branch=master && npm install
$ npm start

For a more in-depth guide, check this out.

Something Different

Skribki runs completely without a database, meaning you do not have to install an entire separate database (which usually comes with a daemon) to maintain, it just works out of the box.

The pages themselves are managed by a git repository within the app, so you could in theory modify pages from sources outside the wiki. For authentication, Skribki utilizes OAuth providers to store user account data elsewhere; you can either integrate with your pre-existing system and/or use any number of OAuth providers available.

Flexibility and Simplicity

What sets Skribki apart from other software is its extreme flexibility without over-complicating its functionality. Themes, custom parsers, new authentication strategies, and more can all be added, but Skribki is ready to go without any fidgeting. Included in this repository is the Vevox Blue theme, a GitHub authentication option, and a simple markdown parser.

Read up here if you want to add more.

What's The Name?

The name Skribki is a compound word from Sulang, meaning 'Writing by the People'.

skrib (n.)
    written information; lit. writing, text

-ki (suff.)
    by/of people

Made for all by @CynicalBusiness with Vevox Digital

GPL v3.0. Copyright © Matthew Struble.

To My Warrior, Half the World Away