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A coding kata : implements the battle mechanism for this simplified version of Risk - Game of Thrones edition Star

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Kata courtesy of blndr

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Risk - Game of Thrones

This is a simplification of a Risk - Game of Thrones edition (only Westeros is modelled with its seven kingdoms - plus the Crownlands - and dominant houses).

War is about to start, and no one - not even this piece of sh*t of Littlefinger - could predict its outcome. You are the Many-face God, and can only be delighted for all the gifts your are about to receive. You will witness the raging battles, the endless plots and betrayals from above.

Domain model

The domain model of the game is quite simple. It is modelled with 2 concepts :

  • House : a powerful family of Westeros. There may be up to 8 of them : Stark, Tully, Martell, Lannister, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn, Targaryen. A given House owns an army of a certain number of battalions stationed on a given Kingdom.

  • Kingdom : a region of Westeros that is controlled by one House and its army. A given Kingdom is adjacent to some other Kingdoms : they can attack them.

Game rules

  • The playing order of the Houses will be determined randomly before the game starts
  • A House occupying one Kingdom can attack another House occupying an adjacent Kingdom
  • The game is over after 10 turns : the winner House is the one controlling the most Kingdoms
  • After every turn, every House recruits a new battalion on every Kingom it owns

Battle rules

  • the attacking House engages half of its attacking Kingdom army (rounded down if odd)
    • there is one chance out of two that a battalion of the attacking army will defect at the last moment
  • the defending House uses half of its defending Kingdom army (rounded up if odd)
    • there is one chance out of three that the defending army is helped by one sell-sword battalion
  • the greater army wins

Edge cases

  • a given House on a given Kingdom cannot attack if it has 0 or 1 battalion
  • a given House on a given Kingdom cannot attack the same House on another Kingdom

Battle outcome

The attacker wins

  • its engaged battalions take possession of the newly conquered Kingdom
  • the newly conquered Kingdom receives a bonus of 1 battalion
  • the defending battalions are killed, the Many-face God feasts

The defender wins

  • the attacking battalions are killed, the Many-face God feasts
  • the defending army receives a bonus of 1 battalion


This is a many-face kata, there are steps to follow :

  • write everything from scratch (with TDD)
    • would you rather use FP or OO ?
    • how will you model the game domain ?
    • which test list will help you the most ?
  • once the requirements are fulfilled, try and apply a better design to the code
    • try to isolate the business code from the I/O code
      • you should be able to either log or print each turn by only changing one line of code
      • you should be able to use user ìnputs or random moves for each turn by only changing one line of code
  • add a new feature : the Iron Islands - Greyjoy extension
    • the Iron Islands are adjacent to every coastal Kingdom
    • the Iron Islands cannot be conquered, house Greyjoy will always occupy it
      • if a House attacks them and win, Greyjoy's army drops to 0 battalions
    • their habit of paying the iron price gives them a bonus of 2 battalions whenever they attack

Game board

Here is the starting position of the game, right before Robert's Rebellion.

Knowing nothing about GoT universe ?

No worries. This works just as well with any map from the real world, as long as you define territories (Kingdoms) and states (Houses).

Install requirements

gradle build

Unit test execution

gradle test


A coding kata : implements the battle mechanism for this simplified version of Risk - Game of Thrones edition Star






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