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Homelab OpenShift Cluster - Deployed on Proxmox and Operated through Kustomize & ArgoCD

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OpenShift Multi-cluster IaC

... managed by ArgoCD 🤖


👋 Overview

Welcome to my OpenShift multi cluster Infrastructure as code repository

Installing OpenShift cluster with Agent-based Installer

Getting started on Agent-based installer

Manual Steps

  • Generate ISO

    rm -rf installer/dev-acm #remove older cluster if any
    cp -r installer/cluster installer/dev-acm #copy cluster config files
    ./openshift-install agent create image --dir installer/dev-acm #create image
  • Upload ISO to proxmox from GUI

  • Create 3 VMs with CPU type as max

  • Start VMs and wait for the cluster installation to finish

    export KUBECONFIG=installer/dev-acm/auth/kubeconfig
    ./openshift-install agent wait-for install-complete --dir installer/dev-acm --log-level=debug


Playbooks to automate manual steps described above


OpenShift GitOps Operator watches my cluster folder (see Directories below) and makes the changes to my cluster based on the YAML manifests.

oc apply -k kustomize/bases/openshift-gitops-operator
cat ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt | oc create secret generic sops-age -n openshift-gitops --from-file=keys.txt=/dev/stdin
oc apply -k kustomize/bases/openshift-gitops-config -n openshift-gitops
kustomize build kustomize/cluster-overlays/dev-acm/argo-application --enable-alpha-plugins --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone | oc apply -f-

Folder Layout

This Git repository contains the following directories (kustomizatons) under cluster.

📁 helm                     # helm charts folder
├─📁 charts
├ └─ 📁 <CHART-NAME>        # custom helm charts
📁 kustomize                # openshift cluster defined as code
├─📁 bases                  # bases contains resources that applies to all clusters
└─📁 cluster-overlays       # Contains all the clusters managed by the repo
  └─ 📁 <CLUSTER-NAME>      # Contains applications to deploy on cluster, using helm/charts or kustomize/bases as resources

Deploy Developer Hub

helm upgrade --install developer-hub openshift-helm-charts/redhat-developer-hub -f kustomize/cluster-overlays/dev-acm/developer-hub-chart/values.yaml -n=developer-hub --kube-insecure-skip-tls-verify

🔍 Features

  • ArgoCD with SOPS plugin
  • Secret Management using External secrets and 1Password
  • Cert manager for API and Wildcard certificate
  • Multi cluster management
  • Kyverno
  • Renovate bot




Homelab OpenShift Cluster - Deployed on Proxmox and Operated through Kustomize & ArgoCD




