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Releases: WebwareForPython/w4py3


27 May 17:42
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Patch release 3.0.10 of Webware for Python 3.

See the list of changes in this patch release and the list of changes in version 3.

This patch release officially supports Python 3.12.


27 Apr 19:47
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Patch release 3.0.9 of Webware for Python 3.

See the list of changes in this patch release and the list of changes in version 3.

This patch release officially supports Python 3.11 and its dependencies have been updated.


16 Mar 12:01
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Patch release 3.0.8 of Webware for Python 3.

See the list of changes in this patch release and the list of changes in version 3.

This patch release officially supports Python 3.11 and its dependencies have been updated.


07 Jan 19:36
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Patch release 3.0.7 of Webware for Python 3.

See the list of changes in this patch release and the list of changes in version 3.

This patch release officially supports Python 3.11 and its dependencies have been updated.


16 Jul 17:16
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Patch release 3.0.6 of Webware for Python 3.

Please see the list of changes for an overview of all the new things in version 3.

Changes in this patch release:

  • The FieldStorage class has now been incorporated into Webware, since the cgi module has been deprecated in the standard library.
  • If running under mod_wsgi, the Application shutdown handler is now also registered with subscribe_shutdown. This solves the problem that the atexit() were sometimes not called with Python >= 3.9.


20 Mar 13:21
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Patch release 3.0.5 of Webware for Python 3.

Please see the list of changes for an overview of all the new things in version 3.

Changes in this patch release:

  • Fix logic error in plugin loader (#13)
  • Minor simplifications in FieldStorage


26 Nov 22:58
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Patch release 3.0.4 of Webware for Python 3.

Please see the list of changes for an overview of all the new things in version 3.

Notable changes in this patch release:

  • Send exceptions using quoted-printable encoding (#12)
  • Always specify encoding when opening text files (642f3ec)
  • Support Python 3.10 (cb04c9f)


30 Apr 14:49
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Patch release 3.0.3 of Webware for Python 3.

Please see the list of changes for an overview of all the new things in version 3.

Notable changes in this patch release:

  • Fix for incompatible FieldStorage class in recent Python versions (261e21a)
  • Do not use secure cookie in development (f9779d7)
  • Register signal handlers in development mode (b4d4c03)
  • Update waitress to 2.0 and add log-level option (df2fc74)


21 Jan 17:26
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Patch release 3.0.2 of Webware for Python 3.

Please see the list of changes for an overview of all the new things in version 3.

Notable changes in this patch release:

  • Do not register signal handlers by default anymore (3647fc2)
  • Made detection of secure connections more reliable (5a9e91b)
  • Support HttpOnly and SameSite attributes for cookies (686e6c5)
  • Better handling of duplicate cookies (e.g. for nested paths) (aa63d12)


09 Dec 17:09
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Patch release 3.0.1 of Webware for Python 3.

Please see the list of changes for an overview of all the new things in version 3.

Notable changes in this patch release:

  • Added a config setting LogDir used for all log files (caec069 and 0103dbd)
  • The name of the WSGI script is now configurable (332fa35)