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Releases: Wolfsblvt/BlossomsPokemonGoManager

BPGM v0.1.7 - "The Next Generation"

23 Feb 22:20
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Heya guys! That's it. We have done it. Sorry that it took us so long.
But we can finally provide a version where Gen 2 is working!

Do note that we are pushing this version out now so that the tool works again for you and you can manage Gen 2. There are still some issues (with refreshing the tool for example) and some things not as refined as we want. But we are working on it (:

The Next Generation

The Next Generation

We have also included Hash Server Key support. Whether or not we agree or like the system those people have set up is not important for this. Many people want to take the safe route and are willing to spend a bit money on that. So you can add your hashkey now. For that you must manually add the line to the config.json in the login node. Should look like this:

    "login": {
        "pokehash": {"key": "YOUR_KEY_HERE"},
        "google": {},
        "saveAuth": false,
        "ptc": {}

Not many changes besides Gen2 support and all that stuff.
If you experience any bugs or something that is not working, please report on Discord or create a GitHub issue.

IMPORTANT: For all the people experiencing the AsyncPokemonGoException error on logging in. This happens quite often. Before you report it or say that the tool is not working, try clicking on "okay" and retrying the login with that. In most cases it will work in some of the next tries.

And a note again: Still no known bans, and yes, the API is as safe as it can get that we are using.


  • Added Baby Pokémon back
  • Generation 2 support added
  • Column order is saveable now
  • Added DPS columns

For more detailed changes, see Pull Requests for v0.1.7.

BPGM v0.1.6 - "Babies gone missing"

16 Dec 14:02
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I can tell you that the people of our Java API are working hard on making a version that does not require continuous updates for new Pokémon or changed stats. But that will take some time.
Until then, we can't get the Baby Pokémon to work with BPGM sadly.
Here is a hotfix, that just removes the Baby Pokémon from the list, until we can get the working API and the babies working (:
So, title should be obvious. No babies in the tool right now :(

Babies gone missing

Many thanks to @FernandoTBarros, who is an active contributor for a long time and made this fix alone. Just wanted to take this chance to thank him, he is like my second hand here on this tool.

And a note again: Still no known bans, and yes, the API is as safe as it can get that we are using.


  • Removed Baby Pokémon from the list
  • Updating API again
  • Fixed window title not refreshing after "Refresh" click
  • Fixed spelling in info window

For more detailed changes, see Pull Requests for v0.1.6.

BPGM v0.1.5 - "Oh? Ditto was caught!"

24 Nov 02:10
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So many people asking for the new API. Now, here it is. I am still sure that it doesn't change a thing for using this tool, but if it does make you feel safer, we are up-to-date now :P
And then there were those CP changes that really have to be updated, and then.... Oh? Ditto was caught!
Oh yeah. People actually caught him. And it screwed up BPGM. So yes, now I really had to provide a fix.

Oh? Ditto was caught!

Oh? Ditto was caught!

One last word. People, understand that I am quite busy at the moment. I got some money and job problems, so I had to re-think my priorities, and sadly my hobby of maintaining this tool has to come quite far behind some other important things.
So as long as I have to fix those stuff things and I am in need for money, it will take more time to get new stuff rolling here.
Hope you still stick around though.

Last words: Happy Thanksgiving Event, and good luck cathing Ditto!


  • New API (not the old one anymore)
  • Updated base stats
  • Better Unicode numbers for Rename patterns :P
  • Fixed Ditto causing the app to crash
  • Fixed colors of highlighted colored cells, so that values are more readable
  • Fixed NullPointerException randomly occuring (caused by cell renderers)
  • Fixed Select IV less than ... input
  • Fixed sorting after "CP Evolved" column
  • Fixed CP Evolved for Eevees
  • Outmost exception handler not closing the tool automatically now

For more detailed changes, see Pull Requests for v0.1.5.

BPGM v0.1.4 - "Color up your life"

07 Oct 01:00
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Okidoki, this time the next version comes much faster.
There were some pretty annoying bugs (sorting, and most important the rename patterns) that made me want to provide the fixes fast to you.

So not much features here, but at least a bit. And an important one for me:
Colored columns!

Colored columns example

If the colors are too bright for your eyes, you can decrease the color alpha setting in the config.json. Default is 170. Max is 255, and 100 would be a bit less... bright :P

So now, go and color up your life!


  • Colored columns! For Ratings and IV columns
  • Added Move Rating columns and rename patterns back
  • Outmost Exception Handler, showing unhandled errors and problems
  • Fixed rename patterns just being 'XX'
  • Fixed name rename patterns failing if the Pokémon name was actually shorter
  • Fixed sorting of Level column
  • Fixed sorting of Location column

For more detailed changes, see Pull Requests for v0.1.4.

BPGM v0.1.3 - "All About Columns"

04 Oct 21:56
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Next version, some new features around.
Do note that there are not that much than I would like to have to, because at the moment I am working nearly alone on this ._.

Hope to do some more stuff soon.
Will be happy about feedback and/or bug reports.

This releases is named All About Columns, cause... it's all about the new columns and reworked ones.


  • New Login Method for Google: App Password - Could fix those login issues
  • Attempt to fix Google Auth Token login issues, reworked some login functionality
  • Reworked Duel Ability, Gym Offense and Gym Defense column. They compare to the best Pokémon now
  • Added Rating columns for each of those three, which weighs against the best possible Pokémon of that species
  • Added "Caught Coordinates", "Caught Location" and "Caught City" columns. The latter two queries Google Maps Geocoding API and caches the locations locally to locations.json. (Mode Details)
  • Added PID column
  • Added "Row" column displaying the row number
  • Reordered columns to an order that makes more sense
  • Reworked renaming patterns
  • Added Pokémon count to title
  • Changed table formatting. Numbers right aligned, cell spacing and padding. (Row height configurable in config.json)
  • Code: Extracted all columns in a single file, PokeColumn, which makes it easy to add custom columns for you (:
  • More checks on batch operations. Prevents API calls where not neccessary
  • Option to setup own device info (see Wiki Article)
  • Fixed Fontsizes
  • Fixed Move Type 2 now using the correct move type
  • Fixed refreshing "Evolvable" column when "transfer after evolve" is changed
  • Fixed charset errors (You have to use the Run scripts for it, or set UTF-8 as default charset for your JRE)

For more detailed changes, see Pull Requests for v0.1.3.

BPGM v0.1.2 - "New Horizons"

15 Sep 13:48
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Decided to stop naming new versions "beta" or "alpha". It is just confusing, and you guys should know that this tool will always be in kind of beta state, because it is actively beeing developed.
So I'll just use major and minor version numbers to show big and small releases :P

Will give the releases names now. Find stuff like that always funny when seeing it for other projects
Named it New Horizons cause... we'll see where this tool leads us. At least development speed should be much faster now. Will do more regularly releases and we have started writing automated tests and code reviews to be able to review new features much faster.


  • Automatic check for new updates (skippable)
  • Login Window alwas stays on top
  • Column order is retained through the session now
  • Unicode Icons for Rename Patterns
  • Last Rename Pattern saved & easier use of rename patterns
  • config.json will be filled with default values now, so you can change each without having to know the specific name before
  • Pattern "move type" is capitalized when STAB applies now
  • Fixed Evolvable count. Now shows how much exactly you can evolve with candies included that you will get for your evolves (e.g. evolving 12 Pidgeys lets you evolve one more)
  • Fixed Short forms of types (Fire = Fi, Fighting = Fg now. Grass = Gr, Ground = Gd. No second type is __)
  • Fixed Keyboard selection not updating selection count
  • Fixed missing delay between evolve and transfer after evolve
  • Fixed UTF8 in console output

For more detailed changes, see latest merged Pull Requests from top until Merge for release v0.1.2-alpha.2.

Blossom's Pokemon Go Manager v0.1.2-alpha.2

19 Aug 00:58
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This version is another alpha release, to bring the new changes faster to you.
I will clarify one thing though:
This version is NOT unstable. It's complete and will work fine!

Some people seem to think alpha means it is only for hardcore guys and that it is not working like expected. That's not what we mean when we choose "alpha" as the tag. It's just the fact that we haven't added all the stuff we want in the next big, real release until now.
So go ahead, download it, and it will work (:


  • Added Delay on bulk operations (Configurable via config.json once executed once)
  • Renamed and reordered a lot of rename patterns, added new ones
  • Rename checks for max length of nickname, cuts it off and gives a warning
  • Added more coding checks to prevent requests to the server if not needed
  • Option to change font-size of GUI
  • Added columns for Duel Ability, Gym Offense and Gym Defense (click here for more info)
  • Shows selected Pokémon count in the title
  • Supports multi-search, separated by ";"
  • More settings (Option to hide bulk finish box, advanced IV rating, etc)
  • Sorting is saved now. After refresh, and even on new app start. Supports two column sorts. (Like after PokemonID, then CP)
  • Fixed confirmation window getting too big for a lot of Pokémon
  • Added column to show the exact CP after evolved, and one to show how much of that species can be evolved
  • Fixed Unix/Mac script using wrong java executable

For more detailed changes, see latest merged Pull Requests until Merge for release v0.1.2-alpha.2.

Blossom's Pokemon Go Manager v0.1.2-alpha.1

10 Aug 02:16
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This version is an alpha release, to bring the new changes faster to you.
Expect some problems, that will be fixed in the final BETA release soon.


  • Added handling of favorites
  • Added (bulk) renaming feature, with placeholders
  • Added and improved Login/Relog functionality
  • Added new columns for Max CP and Time Caught
  • Added option to select Pokémon with IV lesser than XY
  • Fixes Errors on Login
  • Fixes issue with Google OAuth on some operating systems
  • Fixes HP displaying current - not full - HP
  • Fixes sorting after HP column

For more detailed changes, see latest merged Pull Requests until Merge for release v0.1.2-alpha.1.

Blossom's Pokemon Go Manager v0.1.1-Beta

04 Aug 03:10
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  • Implemented refresh button, to refresh your list of pokémon (useful for multiple logins!)
  • Corrected spelling of Pokémon throughout project
  • Now ignores favorite pokémon in selection when performing batch transfer
  • Reduced number of clicks to log in
  • Added logout button, allowing re-logging or account swapping without rebooting application
  • Fixed issue where you could only transfer/evolve/power up once before having to reboot the app
  • Added username/stardust to window title
  • Added level column
  • Re-arranged some column placements
  • Added DPS to move columns
  • Implemented language selection. Now supports pokemon names in English, French, and German languages.

Blossom's Pokemon Go Manager v0.1.0-Beta

02 Aug 10:44
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v0.1.0-Beta includes:

  • Both Google and PTC authenticated logins
  • Powerful Omnisearch bar, allowing you to search by nickname, species, family, types, moveset, and pokeball used to capture
  • Batch operation tools, allowing you to quickly transfer, evolve, and power-up your pokemon.
  • Tons of sort options, allowing you to sort your pokemon quickly by nickname, pokedex number, species, IV%, types, moves, CP, HP, total candies, candies to evolve, stardust to powerup, and what the pokemon was caught with.
  • I will be adding on additional features as requested as fast as I possibly can!