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symfony3-bp Build Status

This is a starting template for Symfony 3 projects with some useful packages and configuration


To install, follow this steps:

  • Clone the repository using git: git clone YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER
  • Rename your project name and customize this README file
  • Install composer dependencies with composer update
  • Install node dependencies npm install
  • Install bower dependencies with bower install
  • Run gulp gulp to compile your assets

Included packages

In addition to the symfony standard edition packages, some extra packages are included


Library Purpose
doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle Deploy new versions of the database schema
irozgar/gulp-rev-versions-bundle Replace asset paths with with the path of the versioned asset generated by gulp in Twig templates

Development only

Library Purpose
phpunit/phpunit Unit Testing
squizlabs/php_codesniffer Search for coding style violations
phpmd/phpmd Code quality checks
doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle Load fixtures into database
nelmio/alice Generate fixtures data

Assets management

This template comes with a complete gulpfile that will allow you to compile sass, minify css and js, version your assets.

Before compiling with gulp you will have to run npm install and bower install.

Compiling assets in production

To compile assets in production you should use the --production flag because it avoids sourcemaps creation. And does not run watch.


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