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Generating projects that use xes-webpack-core as base library for application configuration.

About application template

This generator allows you to fast create multi application project. Each application can be individually setup to use features like:


Preloader template

It will track loading of lazy loaded modules in application booting phase:


React layout

Where you can setup if you want use just entry component with basic routing or some more advanced view with configuration screen template configuration

Canvas/WebGL libraries

You will get basic configuration for phaser, pixi js or both libraries at once.


If you choose to use react with basic layout you will get templating modules and configuration panel to choose current theme for user.


This generator comes with quite powerful library for handling soundtrack. It will allow you to change soundtrack based on user actions check source code in this project for more details how to achieve that. Also you will get basic sound configuration panel connected to data store.


You will be able to extract translations with xi18n scripts into POEditor files where you will be able to translate any string of your application.

Unit test

You can write unit tests for your code inside spec files. Templates adds basic configuration jasmine and karma.

Environmental configuration

You can use cascading set of environmental configuration files default.env > appname.env > appname.environmentname.env. Variables will be available inside code via process.env.VARIABLE_NAME.


This project uses [typescript], webpack with babel and inversify for handling most of code core functionalities. Templates mostly rely on react and jss mostly material-ui but can be replaced with any other templating and styling solution.

It's designed with modularity in mind choose your own solutions if you don't like whats is provided for you.

Most of core functionality is comming from xes-webpack-core and template originated when I was polishing my ludumdare-43 project. But you can add your own configuration in provided webpack configuration files.

How to start


First, install Yeoman and generator-xes-bdf using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-xes-bdf


Then generate your new project:

yo xes-bdf

This will create source code with libraries that you can modify as you wish. And it will also install all base dependencies including xes-webpack-core which is handling most of webpack configuration.

Then you will run

yo xes-bdf:add-app

This will create one of multiple applications that can be run under your project. Here you will be able to choose which templates and libraries for specific application you need.


I am using this generator for fast prototyping games. You can see the one on which this generator orginated source project for generator templates


ISC © Paweł Kapalla


Yeoman generator for projects using xes-webpack-core.







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