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proxy checker is an open-source module used to check all types of proxies. Make sure that you have the requirements installed using pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This is the code to check just 1 proxy

from check import CheckSingle

IP = "proxyip"
PORT = int("proxyport")

works = CheckSingle(IP, PORT)

if works.check_http():
    print(f"{IP}:{PORT} is a working HTTP proxy")

if works.check_socks5():
    print(f"{IP}:{PORT} is a working SOCKS5 proxy")

if works.check_socks4():
    print(f"{IP}:{PORT} is a working SOCKS4 proxy")

if the proxy does not throw an exception whilst trying to perform something it is meant to do, CheckSingle will return True, if it throws an exception it will return False

How do i check a file?

from check import CheckFile

proxies : list[str] = CheckFile("http_proxies.txt").check_http()

for proxy in proxies:
    print(f"{proxy} is a working http proxy")

CheckFile().check_x() will return a list of all of the proxies in the file that responded without throwing an exception.

How do i set a timeout

works = CheckSingle("proxyip", int("proxyport"), timeout=int("proxytimeout"))

if works.check_http():
    print(f"proxy responded in under x seconds")

timeout should be an absolute value if it isn't the program will throw an error because the module will not fix your horrid code logic.


Contributions 🎉

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