Hi, I'm Yash Handa, a Full Stack Developer 🚀 from India, currently, I'm looking for NEW OPPORTUNITIES and have previously worked as a Golang Developer 🙍🏽♂️ @wednesday-solutions, Core collaborator 👨🏽💼@Node.js, One of the maintainer of DOM @WHATWG, and a member of @GDG Cloud New Delhi. Beside's programming, I enjoy traveling and reading.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently working on something cool 😉;
- 🌱 I’m currently practicing Golang and Micro Services;
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- 📫 How to reach me: @yashHanda98;
- 📝Resume
Languages and Tools: