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  1. Implementation
  • Load JSON file to a table and show it on a web page.
    • Press button to show the driving log.
    • Load waypoints data into table content.
    • Convert timestamp to human-friendly format.
    • Add index column for table.
    • Style the table and button.
  • Categorise driving records and generate a driving report.
    • Press button to show the report.
    • Calcutate the distance of two waypoints based on coordinate of latitude and longitude.
    • Calcutate the interval between each waypoint.
    • Calculate speed by distance/time-interval and compare with speed limit, categorise the result.
    • Set a overspeed flag when speed is over speed limit.
    • Generate final report, show how well the user (Peter Griffin) stick to the speed limits while driving.
  • Unit test, use JEST framework.
    • Test function calculateDist().
    • Test function calculateReport().
      • Using mocked implementation of calculateDist().
  1. Running this program locally has two ways:
  1. Potential features.
  • Integrate with google map API, show driving history on the map.
  • Calculate score based on the driver's ability to drive safely, eg. how close to the speed limit, how often he drives over the speed limit.
  • Generate driving report in csv or other format.
  1. Reference


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