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This is a general-purpose e-commerce app that can be repurposed to fit a specific product type. It is built with the MERN stack and uses the Stripe API to handle payments.


  1. npm
  2. Node.js
  3. Mongo Database(either local or cloud-based)
  4. Stripe Account
  5. Cloudinary Account


  1. Create the following environment variables for your server, either by making a .env file or adding them to your deployment settings:

    ACCESS_KEY set to any string. This will be used to authenticate JWT access tokens.

    REFRESH_KEY set to another string. This will be used to authenticate JWT refresh tokens.

    FRONTEND_URL set to the client url if client is ran on a separate server (eg. React Development Server). Otherwise, it should be set to the url this project runs on. Used when redirecting from Stripe.

    STRIPE_SECRET set to the your Stripe account's secret key. Used to create stripe checkout sessions.

    DATABASEURL set to your MongoDB instance's URI.

    CLOUDINARY_URL set to your Cloudinary account's API Environment variable, found on your dashboard. Used to identify your account to Cloudinary's api.

    CLOUDINARY_FOLDER set to the folder you want your images to go to on your Cloudinary account. Before you do this, make sure to create the actual folder under the media library tab.

    ADMIN_USERNAME set to the desired username of your admin user.

    ADMIN_PASSWORD set to the desirect password of your admin user.

    (Optional) GOOGLE_CLIENTID set to your Google API client ID. Add this if you want to include Google OAuth2.0 authentication.

  2. Next, add these environment variables to your client:

    REACT_APP_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE set to your Stripe account's publishable key. Used to load the stripe client.

    (Testing) REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL set to your server's url if you intend to run the client on the React Development Server. This url will be used to proxy http requests to the server.

    (Optional) REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENTID set to your Google API client ID. Add this if you want to include Google OAuth2.0 authentication.

  3. Run npm install in the root directory to add all server dependencies.

  4. Run npm run build to add your admin user and set up the client.

  5. Run npm start to start the server. If you want to start the React Development Server, you can also run npm start in the client directory.

Note: You only need to repeat step 5 on subsequent runs.


A general-purpose e-commerce app that can be repurposed to fit specific product types.






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