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Ionic 2 - Using "ionViewCanEnter" to simulate resolve from angular 1

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Ionic 2 - Using "ionViewCanEnter" to simulate resolve from angular 1


Looking for a way to preload data before transitioning to a page and not transitioning if an error occurs

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The Code

This will focus on the code specific to the page transition from the HomePage to the NextPage. The NextPage is the page that we only want to transition to after the http request is completed and if it is completed successfully.

So in the home.ts we have a two functions, one for sucessfully opening the NextPage and one for forcing the page not to transition.

  showNextPageSuccess() {
    this.navCtrl.push(NextPage, {})
      .catch(() => {
        console.log("next page loaded successfully")

And for the failure, we will pass a parameter that will tell the next page to fail

showNextPageFailure() {
  this.navCtrl.push(NextPage, { 'fail': true })
    .catch(() => {
      console.log("next page DID NOT load successfully")

The magic for all of this is the ionViewCanEnter function from the ionic component. See more information on the function here, but this is the function we will use as a guard. This function can return a promise or true or false; when returning a promise, we wait for the promise to be resolved successfully before transitioning to the page.

  ionViewCanEnter() {
    console.log("in ionViewCanEnter")

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // we will check the fail param to see what to do 
      if (this.navParams.get('fail')) {
        reject(true) // don't load page
      } else {
        // we want to only transition if data is loaded, or after the
        // data is loaded..

          .map(res => res.json().results)
          (res) => {
            console.log('got my data', res)
            this.userList = res;

            // resolve the promise so the page can transition
          (err) => {
            // error happened, dont transition