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GCP Cloud SQL Database backup solutions (workflows, cloud run job) with terraform

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Google Cloud Run SQL Backup

Cloud run job to backup a Cloud SQL instance to a GCS bucket.


After running gcloud builds submit to build & deploy the container, run the following command to schedule running the backup job Remember to change the --location, --oauth-service-account-email and --uri to match your environment. Also make sure service account has the correct permissions to run the job.

Note you can also use the Cloud Console to create the job. It it easier

NEW: Cloud Workflows edition

Cloud Workflows

  1. Create a workflow with
gcloud workflows deploy sql-backup --source workflow.yaml --location europe-north1 --project $(gcloud config get-value project)

NOTE: This uses the default service account. You can and you SHOULD change it with --service-account flag. Default service account has too many permissions for least privilege principle.

  1. Execute the workflow. Remember to change the data to match your environment.
gcloud workflows execute sql-backup --location europe-north1 --project $(gcloud config get-value project) --data='{"bucket":"BUCKET_NAME","database":"DB_NAME","instance":"SQL_INSTANCE_NAME"}'
  1. Schedule the workflow to run every so often with Cloud Scheduler from Cloud Console.


  1. Login to gcloud cli with gcloud auth application-default login
  2. Set project id with gcloud config set project <project-id>
  3. Download latest terraform
  4. cd to terraform folder
  5. run terraform apply with just installed terraform
  6. enter asked variables
  7. enjoy deploying. (takes a while)
  8. go and give permissions to cloud build. Cloud Run and Service Accounts
  9. run gcloud builds submit in project root to build and deploy the container
  10. Remember to give sql instance service account permissions to access bucket:
SA_EMAIL="serviceAccount:"$(gcloud sql instances describe CHANGE_ME_TO_DB_NAME --format='value(serviceAccountEmailAddress)' --project $(gcloud config get-value project))
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud config get-value project) --member=$SA_EMAIL --role roles/storage.objectUser

gcloud cli commands

gcloud scheduler jobs create http cloudsqlbackup-schedule \
--location europe-west1 \
--schedule "0 0 * * *" \
--uri \
--oauth-service-account-email \

Create bucket

gcloud storage buckets create gs://tietokanta-backups \
--enable-autoclass \
--location europe-north1 \

Edit bucket flags to enable object versioning and lifecycle management

Lifecycle management is used to delete old backups if there are more than 365 backups in the bucket or if the backups are older than 365 days. (manages costs)

gcloud storage buckets update gs://tietokanta-backups --versioning --lifecycle-file bucket-lifecycle-config.json

Create monitoring for cloud run job failures

Create monitoring notification channel

gcloud alpha monitoring channels create \
--display-name "Email notif for maansiirto" \
--description "Job that does backups of db" \
--type email \

Create monitoring policy

Remember to change monitoring-alert-policy.json to match your environment. Especially notificationChannels array. Use the returned data from last command to change array values.

gcloud alpha monitoring policies create --policy-from-file=monitoring-alert-policy.json

Script uses deno

Bad developer experience. Types and stuff don't work well with vscode nor webstorm Next time: use regular ts


Error: The client is not authorized to make this request Cloud SQL instance does not exist / query is trying to access name of non existing instance


GCP Cloud SQL Database backup solutions (workflows, cloud run job) with terraform







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