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Gardarike Online server

Gardarike Online is a new MMO strategy and rpg game. Currently it is in early stage of development. We have 2 developers working on the project, one at server side and one making frontend. What we want to achieve is to make gameplay unique but consistent between multiple platforms such as mobile devices and PC's. If you play on your mobile device, the game will be more like strategy economic building simulator. But once you switch platform to PC you will be able to enjoy plain old MMORPG genre expirience.


You can find client code here:


You can get fresh release from the Circle CI pipeline. Circle CI is building for ubuntu 16.04 right now.


Go with modules support is required.

Linux (Elementary OS Hera)

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install golang-goprotobuf-dev
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler

Run in project folder

make generate
go build .

Setting up development environment

  1. Copy configs/config.example.toml file to configs/config.toml.
  2. Fill configs/config.toml [db] section with postgres database connection info
  3. Set up local postgres instance
  4. Apply all migrations from db/migrations/ using go-migrate
  5. Now you can run the server!

Setting up postgres instance

Example commands will be shown for Ubuntu 20.04 disto. If you use some other distro look for it's documentation.

First, download postgres package

sudo apt install postgresql

Then, start postgres:

sudo systemctl start postgresql

Make sure postgres up and running:

sudo systemctl status postgresql

Starting postgresql on WSL

You can't use systemctl on WSL, so instead you need to execute:

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start

Then create the database that will be used for the game server. We will assume you've created a new empty database named gardarike.

Applying database migrations

We are using go-migrate tool for writing db migrations. You should always maintain your local db in the actual state applying all migrations up to the latest. First of all, get go-migrate tool, how you can obtain go-migrate is described on this page:

Apply all migrations in db/migrations:

migrate -path=db/migrations -database=postgres://user:password@localhost/gardarike up

Don't forget to change user and password to your actuall database user and password.

If all is ok you should see something like that:

8/u rotations (27.4826ms) 

That means that all migrations up to number 8 was applied to the database gardarike. You can check this using this command:

migrate -path=db/migrations -database=postgres://admin:admin@localhost/gardarike version

You should see the current database version. The version should equals the last migration number in db/migrations.

That's all. After all these steps you should have the server and database configured properly and can start contribute to GardarikeOnline!


Feel free to use this code for non-profit goals. If you wan't to use it as part of commercial product contact us via Usage without our (maintainers of this repo) permission is prohibited.