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Using django as framework , to build full stack projects.


Django uses mvt method for doing all the tasks.
M- model - database,
v- view - business logic,
T- Template - frontend - html css,

Django is a framework

Django is a open source web framework.

  1. It is written in python
  2. It follows the model-view-template architecture pattern.
  3. It is maintained by Django softwares

features of Django

  1. Fast
  2. fully loaded
  3. Security
  4. Scalability

Command for Django (which are written in command prompt)

--> How to creatre a folder or project <--

django-admin startproject newproject

#here newproject is our folder or project name , so we can write any name

--> then enter inside that project to create an application <--

cd newproject

--> How to create a application <--

python startapp admins

#here admins is our application name , so we can name it anything but admins is a very good name

--> How to run the server <--

python runserver 
@@above commands are the basic commands which we must have to do when creating aproject@@
@@runserver is to check that the created project is running or not@@