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Sort files by mtime

Wilfred Hughes edited this page Jul 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

A simple version

This version can't sort directories, because when a file changes, its directory's mtime will not change.

(defun eh-ivy-sort-file-by-mtime (x y)
  (let* ((x (concat ivy--directory x))
         (y (concat ivy--directory y))
         (x-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes x)))
         (y-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes y))))
    (if (file-directory-p x)
        (if (file-directory-p y)
            (time-less-p y-mtime x-mtime)
      (if (file-directory-p y)
        (time-less-p y-mtime x-mtime)))))

(add-to-list 'ivy-sort-functions-alist
             '(read-file-name-internal . eh-ivy-sort-file-by-mtime))

A complex version

This version use "recentf-list" to sort directory, if you view a file, the directory of this file will show first.

(recentf-mode 1)

(defun eh-ivy-return-recentf-index (dir)
  (when (and (boundp 'recentf-list)
    (let ((files-list
           (cl-subseq recentf-list
                      0 (min (- (length recentf-list) 1) 20)))
          (index 0))
      (while files-list
        (if (string-match-p dir (car files-list))
            (setq files-list nil)
          (setq index (+ index 1))
          (setq files-list (cdr files-list))))

(defun eh-ivy-sort-file-function (x y)
  (let* ((x (concat ivy--directory x))
         (y (concat ivy--directory y))
         (x-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes x)))
         (y-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes y))))
    (if (file-directory-p x)
        (if (file-directory-p y)
            (let ((x-recentf-index (eh-ivy-return-recentf-index x))
                  (y-recentf-index (eh-ivy-return-recentf-index y)))
              (if (and x-recentf-index y-recentf-index)
                  ;; Directories is sorted by `recentf-list' index
                  (< x-recentf-index y-recentf-index)
                (string< x y)))
      (if (file-directory-p y)
        ;; Files is sorted by mtime
        (time-less-p y-mtime x-mtime)))))

(add-to-list 'ivy-sort-functions-alist
             '(read-file-name-internal . eh-ivy-sort-file-function))