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Releases: aboutdotme/humblejs


09 Jan 20:14
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Updated a deep version of bson because github says is has a vulnerability


09 Jan 20:13
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Updated some insecure dependencies based on npm audit


20 Sep 19:52
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Binds methods such as find so that you can write this:
let find = HumbleJsDoc.find
instead of this:
let find = HumbleJsDoc.find.bind(HumbleJsDoc)


18 Jul 19:45
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  • Fixes a broken publish to NPM where source files were not transpiled correctly.


18 Jul 19:44
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DEPRECATED: This version was not published to NPM correctly. Please be sure to use ^2.1.1 as your version specifier.

  • Updates mongojs to 2.4.0.
  • Adds CI tests for MongoDB 2.6.x, 3.0.x, and 3.2.x.
  • Adds unit tests for authenticated database access.


06 Apr 05:40
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  • Fixes the expires field to actually do what it says - before it was setting the value to before the start of the period, which would be bad.


06 Apr 05:36
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  • Backwards incompatible: Removes the fiber/fibrous support from the API since it was little used and added undue complexity to the internals.
  • Adds an expires field to SparseReport documents which is set to a random timestamp 1-7 days after the end of the period. This timestamp can be used in conjunction with a TTL index in order to expire documents which are old and unused. The timestamp is random in order to spread out the load on MongoDB for large numbers of documents.
  • Grunt is no longer used for development.
  • Fixed bug #11, where insert operations did not auto-map properties to key names.
  • Fixed a bug where Cursors did not correctly receive single arguments.
  • FIxed a bug where findAndModify and save operations were not auto-mapping properties to key names.
  • FIxed a bug where find was not correctly mapping additional arguments.
  • Adds the ability to run tests and do development in a Docker container.
  • Adds npm run-scripts for tests and development.
  • Updated moment dependency.
  • Updates underscore for lodash instead.


05 Apr 00:35
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  • forJson now takes an optional single argument, allowDefault, which when
    set to a false-y value will not include default values in the JSON output.


05 Apr 00:35
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  • Fix a bug with forJson when an Embed key is assigned a non-object value.
    Thanks to @NigelKibodeaux


05 Apr 00:34
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  • Updated to latest mongojs dependency.