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Docco-ES is a quick-and-simple documentation generator. Inspired by the concepts of Literate Programming it allows you to see your code's comments along side the code as documentation.

This is a modern, updated, JavaScript fork of Jeremy Ashkenas' original Literate CoffeeScript implementation.


npm install -g docco-es


docco [options] FILES


  • -h, --help Output usage information
  • -V, --version Output the version number
  • -l, --layout [layout] Choose a built-in layouts (parallel, linear)
  • -c, --css [file] Use a custom css file
  • -o, --output [path] Use a custom output path
  • -t, --template [file] Use a custom .jst template
  • -e, --extension [ext] Use the given file extension for all inputs
  • -L, --languages [file] Use a custom languages.json
  • -m, --marked [file] Use custom marked options
  • -T, --throw Throw errors if code syntax highlighting fails
  • -v, --verbose Shows all files as they are proccessed rather than a summary
  • -z, --zip [file] Use layout files compressed as a zip


A layout is composed of a CSS file and a JST file. You can provide both of these to Docco to create your own layouts but Docco-ES ships with three layouts built-in.

  • Linear, a simple, single column, layout that the documentation linked above uses.
  • Parallel, a two column layout that shows your comments on the left as a kind of annotation to the code, displayed on the right.
  • Markdown, a special case in that it allows you to output the code formatted as a markdown document. With the code marked up in backticks and the comments as regular text. This is especially useful if you want to convert to another format - like LaTeX or a Literate Programming form of your chosen language. All code blocks are marked up with the language matching the extension of the processed file.


The documentation for Docco-ES is generated by Docco-ES using the Linear layout.